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  1. J

    Early Release

    I had broken my 7 wood and brought it to be reshafted.They ask what shaft I wanted to put in. I said I dont know he ask how far I hit a 5 iron I said about 150 or so. Now the guy knew me and said that cant be right I`ve seen you swing, so he put me on a machine to check swings out. I hit my...
  2. J

    one plane and two plane is....

    Is there a different down swing for a one plane swing than a two plane swing. It seems with my (I think I have ) one plane swing when I try to drop and pivot my club head never catches up. But when I just swing hard at the ball from the topI get better results. I know whats coming next if it...
  3. J

    putting (yips)

    This year is the worst year for me putting. It got so bad I changed 5 putters many grips couldnt make a 1 footer and have the yipps so bad it ruined my year. I`m lifting my head up before hitting even when I try to see the club hit the ball first. Now I`m thinking of using my shoulders to move...
  4. J

    Helping out a friend

    I`m no teacher and all I know is what is said here. My friend very talented hits the ball 300 yrds, always in the 70`s. What stops him from being better is a couple of things.He has a slight reversed pivot,pushes alot of driver shots not with irons, and his clubface is closed at the top. He`s...
  5. J


    On the kickpoints of a club. I see some are low some mid and I think some high. My question is for what type of swings are these for. slow .fast etc. Or are they for different reasons?...joe
  6. J


    I tried my swing using my left hip to go back and hit the ball with my right hip. I`ve got some good results especially with my irons ,which I cant get into the air for beans. My question is, is it just a bandaid and eventually I knock down shots again or am I on the right track and stay with...
  7. J

    Should it be a teachers responsibility to....

    IMO, I feel if you go to a doctor and he treats you, he should call to see if its working. Same as a car mechanic. After all they were hired , and should care if everything is all right. Do you think its proper for a golf instructor to do the same? I would want to know if what i taught works....
  8. J


    After all my years of golfing I think I found my problem of why I cant hit anything on the ground. Its sliding without turning I`m great off the tee and straight. As soon as I have anything on the ground I top it knock it down or hit a low liner. Now if I just think on the downswing to turn my...
  9. J

    How do I start to learn how to teach

    I would love to teach golf. I try now by passing on what i learn hear from Brians site and have helped some to a certain degree. Is there a format or something to get me started. I have a chance next year to help teach at a high school. And yes I also would play at the top course 3 times a week...
  10. J

    strange trivia

    Thought this would be interesting to some.... GOLF The oldest golfing club in the world is the Honorable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, which came into being in March, 1744. The Yale golf course is laid out so that a player going 18 holes covers one city and 3 towns: New Haven, Woodbridge...
  11. J

    pro girls swing

    I notice when the girls swing in the pros their heads go down to the ball and follow thru under. Why is it so noticible with them. What do they do to accomplish this. Are they swinging different than men or does it look that way...joe
  12. J


    How can I stop decelerating? I dont know why I do especially with my wedges ...joe
  13. J

    Setup problems

    I have setup problems really bad. I think I`m squared to the line and constantley they tell me my feet are point right. I cant see this, time and again. Does a dominant eye be doing this? Rarely I`m too far left Even when I see the line of a putt I always see break and have trouble reading...
  14. J

    Brian Manzella Academy "Tour Stop" and School - Long Island, New York (Recap)

    Brian Manzella Academy "Tour Stop" and School - Long Island, New York (Recap) I had a lesson today from Brian, WOW everything people that had a lesson from Brian was right. He is a good guy and knows how to teach. Now about Brians lesson with me. He showed me places to go with my club were...
  15. J

    Bunker sand shots

    When hitting a bunker shot (green side) you set your hands quickly and then do you use your hands or do you hit the ball with your pivot or both together? Also how much bounce is enough with a wedge(the leading edge) 10 degree 12 or what??...joe
  16. J

    Big problem,help someone.

    I`ve tried every thing mentioned on this site had a lesson from a tgm teacher, bought all videos help from instructors messaging. All were good with advice and teaching .Its me I cant get any of it right. Today was the last straw.My biggest problem is when I start my down swing I push of my...
  17. J

    Pushed Putts

    What makes someone push putts and how do you correct it? Does ball position contribute to it? know its open and close clubface but what would make you do it other than the obvious..thanks jp
  18. J

    Hitting a draw proper

    I asked about hitting a draw and Brian responded with: Right foot back away from targetline 1 to2 inchesrear end right untillbelt buckle faces right of ball.move rear end left to balance 50/50staying belt buckle still right of ballsquare up left footslight inward towards ball. NOW GET YOUR...
  19. J

    pivot on downswing

    I`m still confused on one thing. Do you pivot with both hips, left or right hip or the pivot is done with the lower body????????
  20. J

    For Jim Kobylinski

    A few times you mention "when you pivot correctly" how is that done proper??