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  1. bcoak

    My Swing: 2 good one awful

    Hi, Here are three swings of mine from yesterday. The first two resulted in perfect shots while the third shows my nemesis - the big block cut (60yds off line). Any insights appreciated. And the ugly:
  2. bcoak

    Backswing help

    I bought one of those Flip video recorders (great btw) and have been looking at my swing. In particular my backswing. It looks like I "stand up" in the backswing causing my right leg to straighten. It does not look very powerful or coiled at all. I was at the gym and I put a pole behind my back...
  3. bcoak

    Aim Left/Swing left examples

    Couples and Trevino good examples of aim left/swing left? How can we incorporate this int o our own swings if we do not have a trackman?
  4. bcoak

    Trevino article

    Good quick read: Golf Journal: What Trevino Can Teach Woods on Hitting the Fade -
  5. bcoak


    SO I have been trying a new drill to help my balance. I set up normal and then look straight ahead, not at the ball. You then hit the ball. The strange thing is I can hit it as far, more solid, and straighter (with a draw vs. normal cut) not looking at the ball. In fact, after hitting the ball a...
  6. bcoak

    My Swing

    Feedback appreciated: See Your Video Pull David Toms down from the pro choices Shot was with a 5 wood. SLight block cut
  7. bcoak

    Payne Stewart - SD Pattern poster boy?

    Payne hit a nice draw. Was he a SD pattern?
  8. bcoak

    Picking it clean

    I was watching some video of Watson hitting balls and he picks it so cleanly off the turf. Barley looked like he took grass. The sound was pure though. Just curious how he gets that compression without taking a divot.
  9. bcoak

    Stenson pre-shot routine answer

    "I was practicing with a shaft back in November, and it's just basically to - I sort of paint the swing, really paint the path of the swing, and it's easy to do that without the resistance of a clubhead," Stenson said. "I can obviously get the same feel from turning the club upside down, and it...
  10. bcoak

    Book: lessons from the golf greats

    DL published this a long time ago, and it is funny how bad his tips are in it, but I love the swing sequences. ( Lessons from the Golf Greats: David Leadbetter: Books) A few things stand out: When the camera catches the same positions on the BS and DS it is amazing how half way back...
  11. bcoak

    NHA Finish

    Watching NHA and got to the part about the finish pointing at the target. Doesn't the PGA Logo do that as well as that little video of the swing in thier ads?
  12. bcoak

    Ernest Jones

    Trying to simplify my swing and I have been re-reading Ernest Jones. Swing the weighted string. Any modern day additions to this motion that should be incorporated?
  13. bcoak

    how good?

  14. bcoak

    Tom Lehman

    With Lehman being back in contention this week they were talking about how he sets up open and hits a push draw. How does that work?
  15. bcoak

    Takeaway: Clubface "looking" at the ball

    Have not been here in awhile and it is interesting looking at all the new members and swing posts. One thing that seems to stand out and may (or may not be) different in the swings, is the clubface really "looks" at the ball for a long time in the backswing. Is this correct? Accomplishes?
  16. bcoak


    I was amazed that Michelle Wie looked like she was almost back to her old swing. No more of the cut off follow through w/ ever club. No "stacked." She was even trying to set up with her right shoulder lower. Nice big turn. She really does have an awesome swing. Too bad she is with Leadbetter and...
  17. bcoak


    Was just looking on another site that had pix from this weeks LPGA stop. There is one series where Wie is practicing and both her parents are directly behind under an umbrella watching. So creepy.
  18. bcoak

    Trevino, Couples, Furyk

    All have loops and all are great ball strikers. Why?
  19. bcoak

    Cause of Double cross

    WHat is the cause of a double cross? In this instance it is a cut that gets pulled left.
  20. bcoak

    Keeping a game w/ little time

    Having a hard time this year finding extended periods or any time really to play of practice. Anybody have off course suggestions to keep a semblance of a game?