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  1. bcoak

    Increase speed

    Since my original question got thread jacked, I was hoping Brian or someone on Brian's team could explain how the pro's increase their swing speed so dramatically from hip level through impact. I am wondering if you answer it in your video #3 Brian where you talk about dropping the arms and then...
  2. bcoak

    Tour Pro's Swing speed

    After watching the Tiger Challenge this weekend- especially Tiger, Stenson and Ogilvy - I am amazed at how much speed they generate from about hip level in the downswing through the ball. They are so smooth in their backswing and first part of downswing to about hip level then they just whip it...
  3. bcoak

    Off the tee: Work the ball vs 1 ball flight?

    Need to hit more fairways off the tee. Was wondering peoples thoughts on working the ball to fit the hole or would it be better to find one ball flight and stick with that off each tee (where reasonable)?
  4. bcoak

    Setup help

    One thing I am going to work on this winter (indoors) is improving how I get into the ball. My tendency is to get the ball to far forward in my stance and my alignment pointed right of target. I got better with alignment this year, but the ball position has become a real issue that needs to be...
  5. bcoak

    Curtis Strange: Swings around his spine?

    I know Curtis was a Ballard guy which may contribute to his head movement in the backswing, but I was wondering if you thought that his head movement was a result of swinging around his spine and letting his head move? It is almost like an exaggerated version of swinging around his spine.
  6. bcoak

    PP#3: When do you feel it?

    When do you actually feel PP#3 in the downswing? I really can't feel it til right before imapct, into impact, and just past impact. Should I feel it earlier? If so, how?
  7. bcoak

    Chipping off hardpan

    I always seem to hit it fat when i ma chipping off of hardpan. i know I must be scooping but having a hard time not doing it. Any advice?
  8. bcoak

    Swing analysis request: Fred Couples

    Brian and others, I would love an analysis of Freddy's swing. WHy is he such a good ball striker? Why is he so long? What does he do well? What should people try and copy and/or avoid? I occasionally swing like him with good results but tend to lose it rather quickly. Based on some things I...
  9. bcoak

    what parts of swing really matter?

    Some recent threads on Furyk, Trevino and other unusual swings made me wonder about what parts of the swing really matter. Are there things that you really have to do on the backswing? How about coming down - are there spots in the downswing that you really have to be at in order to be a good...
  10. bcoak

    Mandrin: Did you write this? :)

    Previous planar models of the downswing in golf have suggested that upper limb segments (left shoulder girdle and left arm) move in a consistent fixed plane and that the clubhead also moves only in this plane. This study sought to examine these assumptions. Three-dimensional kinematic analysis...
  11. bcoak

    Hal Sutton comment

    I thought this was interesting comment from Hal Sutton in an article: “Look, Rich,” he implored, growing more animated, “it’s 400 yards to the other end of the range from where I’m sittin’ and if Jack and Arnie and Raymond and Lee and Gary and Tiger were hittin’ balls we wouldn’t need to walk...
  12. bcoak

    Aiming point of Right shoulder

    Brian, Thought I would pull this out from another thread as I think it is interesteing. What is the aiming point for the right shoulder? Is the pivot driving the RS to this aiming point?
  13. bcoak

    Homerson: "Mind in your shoulders" comment

    Homerson, Could you go into a little more detail regarding your chat comment referenced in the thread title. I think I know what you are getting at but it is an interesting thought and I would like to hear more. Thanks
  14. bcoak

    How to read your divots?

    Wondering how you can read your divots to help you better determine why the ball went where it did. For example, ball goes right while divot points left of target - open clubface and over the top? Where should a good divot be pointing?
  15. bcoak

    How to improve on your own?

    Since I am in MA and no chance of getting to see Brian, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on how someone could improve on their own? I have a decent short game and practice that a good amount. I am in the process of changing my putting stroke to the one advocated by Geoff Mangum and at...
  16. bcoak

    Pivot thoughts

    Brian, I really like Confessions but have a hard time with my pivot. The thoughts of the downswing starting from ground up or with the hips just have never worked for me. I played last night and thought of starting my dowenswing by turning my rib cage left. This really allowed me to feel more...
  17. bcoak

    The NEW X Factor

    The new X-factor is achieved when you rotate your hips toward the target as fast and as fully as possible, while keeping your shoulders turned back. I see this downswing move in every slow-motion swing we replay on CBS telecasts. Yet the move is so basic that anyone can gain distance with it...
  18. bcoak

    Manipulate a students Tempo?

    Played 9 the other day and I tried to speed up my tempo. I feel like I get too slow, trying to control the swing with the result being less control and short and crooked shots. So, I really worked to speed it up and hit it much better. Better contact, distance and direction. BM, do you ever...
  19. bcoak

    Putting at the Putting Zone

    Tom, I know you were trying the SBST method of Geoff M. and was wondering how it is working out. I have decided to commit to his methods (cutting my center shafted putter to 30" tonight) so would love to hear some of the things you have learned. Always good to hear other peoples interpretation...
  20. bcoak

    Rant: I stink

    I play at night or in a friendly low key round and my drives are high, drawing 250-260ish. Irons are crisp and controlled. My putting is good, with a normal grip. I get in a tournie like this past weekend and my drives go short and crooked, 220yds, irons drop a club in length (7 iron normal is...