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  1. bcoak

    Explain Bent Plane line

    Could someone provide an explanation/example/definition of a bent plane line. Thansk.
  2. bcoak

    Flipper: With the putter (too)

    When I putt the whole putter tends to move back and I tend to flip at it to get back to the ball. It is better in long putts where there is probably some body movement helping rythym but shorter putts (15 ft and in) I have a hard time not flipping. I am trying to keep the butt of the putter...
  3. bcoak

    Wedding ring down, axis tilt and straight plane line

    After (stupidly) getting away from concentrating on getting the wedding ring down I went back to it this week to see vast improvements in contact and distance (+10yds). My ball flight has gone from weak slice to nice draw. Hit balls this morning and hit it really well with the thought of...
  4. bcoak

    Flying right elbow

    My right elbow really sticks out at top of backswing, ala. Jack Nicklaus. Looking at the pros today though (incl. Brian's new Movie) their right elbows tend to be more in front of chest and tighter to the body (almost in line with spine angle). I know this is a "position" but was wondering the...
  5. bcoak

    Tips wanted: Driver paractice

    Tips wanted: Driver practice Thought I would add more data to this post to solicit in depth answers. I would really appreciate some tips on how to hit more fairways with my driver. Missed fairways killed me this weekend and killing overall game. I find most drives, but in rough making it hard...
  6. bcoak

    Tiger in super slow motion

    Nike has Tiger's swing in super slow mo.
  7. bcoak

    "Lag pressure and tracing straight plan line"

    Found this quote in the Croker/BM video from Brian about the key to playing well is just lag pressure and tracing straight plane line. The question for me has always been; HOW?. I have my Club Championship this coming weekend and have not been able to play alot this year. I always blow up in...
  8. bcoak

    Knees at address

    Wondering about the pros and cons of these two knee setups at address: 1) Hogan knees pointing in 2) "Modern" swing knees pointing more out towards the toes. Almost like holding a beach balls between thighs.
  9. bcoak

    Swing around your spine

    Trying to limit some movement in my swing, particularly my downswing that has a tendency to go forward and up causing blocks/weak rights. Played 9 holes this weekend and hit it lousy until I started concentrating on keeping my spine in the same position from start to finish. I got my chest/spine...
  10. bcoak

    Mike Bennett and Andy Plummer

    This is not an ad! :) I believe that a kid out of my club who I have watched grow up and is now in year 2 on the PGA Tour recently switched to these 2 for instruction. I was wondering if anyone knew about them. I know they are MORAD guys.
  11. bcoak

    My lesson

    I had a good lesson this weekend (non-TGM teacher) and was hoping for some additional thoughts on how to achieve what we talked about. Here's the faults and fixes: Faults - My setup was good but the ball was too far forward - With ball too forward my head would be very far away from ball at top...
  12. bcoak

    Brian: List your TGM terms?

    You stated in another post that you used to use the TGM lingo but changed it into your own words. Could you list a few examples?
  13. bcoak

    Drills to cure OTT

    Brian, Do you have any drills to help cure an over the top move?
  14. bcoak

    Getting into setup

    I am standing too tall to the ball so I am trying to get more bend but it feels very strange. I feel like my hands are really low (although I look fine when seen on camera.) The problem is getting into the ball with more bend. ANy tips on how to get into a good setup routine?
  15. bcoak

    Divots left, ball right

    My divots are going left of target while the ball starts at/to right of target and slices. Swinging motion. Trying Flippper technique of just holding on and trying to spear the inside aft of ball with the butt of the club using pivot. What would cause this?
  16. bcoak

    Hue: ClearKey Golf

    Hue, In the past you mentioned your use of the Clearkey mental system. Are you still doing it? Would you mind explaining the concept? I just played this weekend and was a complete headcase (as usual) and it really is keeping me back. Every last thought I have is "don't."
  17. bcoak

    Young guns not winning

    A few articles have been printed this year about the lack of winning by Sergio, Scott, Rose, Howell. My thhoughts on why each isn't living up to the hype. First,I think it is really hard to win out there. Those guys are good. Sergio: Putting stinks. He goes from a feel player in his long game to...
  18. bcoak

    Baddely's putting routine

    Not a big fan of BADDS, but I really like his putting routine - one look and go. Wish i could trust it enough to do it. ANyone do anything similar?
  19. bcoak

    Ryan Moore Oakley ad

    Has anyone seen the ad of Ryan Moore for Oakley golf shoes? It has an image of him in his follow thru - about hip high - and his hands are completely turned over and left wrist is flat and facing the ground. Reminded me of the thread Brian started about" Not supposed to be able to do this." It...
  20. bcoak

    Pulling wedge shots

    I am pulling my 40-60 yd wedge shots. Trying to use the technique from "Flipper" . Anyhting I should check?