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  1. bcoak

    sit down/squat move

    had a lesson with video and it was very apparent that my weight is shifting outside my left leg very early on the down swing causing push/pulls. I have been trying to get in the squat/sit down position but can't seem to get it right. ANy drills suggestions on how to practive this move?
  2. bcoak

    weight shift

    Brian, On the backswing, where should your weight be - toes, middle, heel?
  3. bcoak

    taking it to the course

    I know we are here to debate the finer points of swing mechanics, but ultimately (and obviously) we need to transfer the swing from the range to the course, something that I have a hard time doing. I was watching Justin Leonard on "playing Lessons w/ the Pros" the other night and he said that he...
  4. bcoak

    lateral motion

    How much lateral movement should there be going back and through?
  5. bcoak

    Second opinion

    I was hoping to get some help/advice from Brian and others on how to correct some of my swing faults that were uncovered this weekend during a lesson (non-tgm'er but respected teacher). My ball flight was all over the place - army golf. Left right, etc. By the third hole I am aiming down the...
  6. bcoak

    How to take a lesson

    Brian, I have a lesson this Saturday and was wondering if you have some advice for the pupil on how to take a good lesson. I have not gotten much from lessons in the past (not incl. this Pro) and want to make sure I get the most from it. Not sure if it is me or the pro's that I have seen in the...
  7. bcoak

    putting and pp3

    I have used either the claw or belly putter the last few years due to an, ahem, over-active right hand. :) I just went to putt at lunch and used a normal grip and concentrated on loading pp3 on the backswing and keeping the pressure on pp3 thru the stroke. While this was not under tournament...
  8. bcoak

    Too simple?

    I actually got to hit some balls and chip a little on Friday which allowed me to put your swing lessons to a test, Brian. I was wondering if this feel was correct or not - from the top of my backswing, and with a flat left/bent right, can I just concentrate on dropping that whole unit into the...
  9. bcoak

    Aiming point and shot shape

    The aiming point concept is new to me (along w/ a lot else in TGM) but, after some limited golf time in New England, I am excited about the use of it. I have noticed that a certain shot happens if my aiming point is off, too far forward and a cut vs. too far back a hook. I was wondering if...
  10. bcoak

    Faults and Fixes

    Brian, I was hoping to start a folder where we can post some of our current (or ingrained) swing problems and get feedback on things we should try and check to possibly get back on track. My current fault is a pull hook (low trajectory) with the driver as well as a pull with the short irons...
  11. bcoak

    Hinge action help

    I was hoping someone could provide some more clarity (in laymans terms) to the different types of hinge actions: closed: laid back: closed and laid back: In particular, I am having a hard time understanding "laidback" and what this looks like. I assume (correct me if I am wrong please) that...
  12. bcoak

    launch angle for driver

    Just read this article and got me thinking about how tohit a driver, swing up or hit down? I know this has been discussed and i believe the answer was to hit down like the other clubs, but this article would seem to contradict this. Thoughts? Angle of Attack – Its Role in Optimizing Launch...
  13. bcoak

    Gary Koch

    Gary Koch hit a shot on SUnday, par 5 lay up, where he basically punched it down the fairway. I thought it was a great swing - good lag, hit down on it. I was wondering if any TGM'ers saw it and could comment on that swing as I thought it had a lot of good things to it.
  14. bcoak

    The Golf CHannel

    Harmon was on the Golf Channel last night (he must be coming out w/ an iron graphite shaft as that was what he had in his club) but he showed Stewart Cink and COrey Pavin's new moves under his tutlelage. Cink did look better, but I could not believe the difference in Pavin's swing. COmpletely...
  15. bcoak

    Hip turn

    Brian or other TGMer's Could you explain the hip motion in the backswing. Should you try and restrict your hip turn as everyone advocates or can they have some "give" in them as long as you turn into the right leg and don't collapse.
  16. bcoak


    I was hoping for some clarification/affirmation about the pivot. Is the pivot the same as if I crossed my arms across my chest (making an X with each hand on opposite shoulder) and turning back and then turning thru (pivot back, pivot thru). COrrect?
  17. bcoak

    Winter drills

    Now that 24inches of snow has fallen, it looks like the clubs are away til March! Any suggestions for drills that can be performed indoors? Thanks
  18. bcoak


    My bad shot, which has diminished since reading this foruma nd adding horizontal hinge and some other things, is a big block cut. Always hit solid so it goes real deep into the woods. I have never been able to find someone to tell me what causes it. Brian, what causes a/my block cut?
  19. bcoak

    FLighting technique

    I was hoping a TGM'er could explain how you flight the ball differently for hi/low/fades/draws as well as the "stinger"
  20. bcoak

    What would you advise, Brian?

    The following link is to a recent article on what is wrong w/ Mickelson's swing and the feedback from some teaching pro's. What would you advise brian?