Great point too.
I had a funny experience about 12 years ago in Palm Desert. This lady showed up late, had zero talent, had the worst and weakest left had you have EVER seen (betcha). After watching a few 30 yard grounders, I started in on adjusting her left hand.
She quickly said, "No, all of you teachers want to do that. My nails are more important than my golf game." She had long fake nails and no, she was not hot.
I was dumbfounded and speechless and could hardly manage to stand there for the rest of the 30 minute session.
Of course. She wanted more distance off the tee.
You make a good point here. Not everyone taking golf lessons has the goal of becoming an elite amateur or mini-pro like most of the people on this board. However, they still deserve to be taught, although it takes less to help them because they aren't trying to be perfect. This is why "method" teachers aren't the devil. They can help these people. Those who want to be the best can go to people like Brian.