What is significant in all of lia's pics is the lateral tilt of the spine in the followthru... and in effect holding the spinal tilt throughout the swing and particularly through impact. This ensures complete and timely hip rotation. If the hip rotation is aborted early, that will destroy optimal kinetic and kinematic sequencing.
Most duffers straighten up the spinal tilt because their hips block when facing the ball and the hip flex angle increases thus straightening the posture. It's caused by insecurity in the abdominal muscles, or lack thereof.
Golfers with protruding bellies cannot continue hip rotation to face the target because the momentum of the belly mass would be too great and even injurious to the spine... so they block and stop hip rotation prematurely. It's a natural reflex action because the 'unconscious' brain will not allow it's spinal cord to be compromised by huge rotary shear imparted by an out-of-control swinging belly mass. Even the hint of a blown belly will do it.
Once your hips block, your shoulder automatically block too... which really messes up the sequencing of the flows.
Another cause of the loss of lateral tilt is excess fat between the hip and rib cage creating an interference that forces the duffer to straighten out. Pathetic, eh?! When Brian resorts to giving the "business", I see this as attempting to optimize body action.
When are we going to address feet, leg and body action, because it seems everything is about ball flight and arm flapping??!!!