This is a really confusing section to me about the right forearm alignments for the hitting and swinging proceedures. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out this description...
"For Hitting, the Right Forearm should be precisely in-line with--and directly opposed to--the motion of the On Plane Loading Action of the entire Primary Lever Assembly..."
I know and understand the Primary and Secondary Lever Assemblies just fine.. it's the postioning of the right arm that just doesn't make sense to me. I know this ties into flying wedges as well... but the whole "Opposed to the motion of the ON Plane Loading Action" is what has me absolutely baffled.
"For Hitting, the Right Forearm should be precisely in-line with--and directly opposed to--the motion of the On Plane Loading Action of the entire Primary Lever Assembly..."
I know and understand the Primary and Secondary Lever Assemblies just fine.. it's the postioning of the right arm that just doesn't make sense to me. I know this ties into flying wedges as well... but the whole "Opposed to the motion of the ON Plane Loading Action" is what has me absolutely baffled.