A great read

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It's Ryder Cup year and I just wanted to turn forum members on to an absolutely riveting read - Us Against Them, by Robin McMillan

As the title suggests, it's written from the perspective of both GB&I and later European and Americans from 1965 to 2002 and it's basically a compendium of interviews with all the leading protagonists - mainly players, but also alot of other bigwigs - set amid some wonderful exposition.

Eschewing the usual PR boilerplate, the book digs deep into alot of the respect and animosity players felt towards one another, often players who were ostensible teammates. The personal comments are among some of the harshest (and by harsh, I mean brutal) I've ever read in a golf book, and, for guys like us who like to poke around this sort of stuff, it's an absolute must-read.

When your A.C is worn out and you can't sleep because of the heat pick it up and while away the wee hours. Great stuff.
Thanks Oliver I will pick that up and report back later. Also wanted to say thanks to ekennedy for recommending "The New Toughest Training For Sports" by James Loehr. He had brought it up in a thread somewhere. It identified some major weaknesses in my game that I'm working on.
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