A moron artical found while browsing

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Wow.... the editors must have been high to publish that one.

A much more effective approach - practice hitting shots with your eyes closed.
I read that article while traveling this week and was amazed Golf Digest would even publish it. Let's see, I don't look at the ball, must wear a hat, and tilt my head towards the ball on the downswing... the pictures were horrid.


This is a very interesting article where the guy simply describes HIS OWN yipping problems and the (curious and unconventional) manner in which HE overcame them. He even explains the need for the curious and unconventional approach HE took when trying to overcome HIS particular, ingrained, problems.

It seems to have worked for HIM and from this point he says he can now begin to fix the faults that he deliberately introduced into HIS swing in order to eradicate those faults that caused HIS original yips.

Where does it say that he teaches others to swing in this fashion?

Give the guy (and the magazine) a break and thank them for an item of interest, albeit it curious and unconventional stuff, rather than hammer them for the sake of exercising your own egos.



Bull**** !

quote:I still hit the ball lower than before with the driver, but considering where I was last year, 275 yards and straight is just fine.

There was a wise man who once said "the only person your lying to is yourself".... I think its quite pertanent here. He probably took some hat watching driving range swipe on a hole and it went around 230 yards and because hes a moron - tries to convince himself he can play with any game whatsoever (kinda like Ragman) and pretends it went 275 yards. I think the 5 is a good touch - its like a definative to pretend he measured it with great accuracy.

I find it hillarious, this is sub-par even for the editors in golf magazine who spend more time drinking coffee and eating the shi* after poking each others ass than playing golf. But even they must be having a laugh when they recieved this artical. Despite GD knowing they have no human right to describe the golf swing, even they can laugh at this one. Its more a hahahahaha look how dumb Tiger's new coach is, isn't it amazing that he can even contend with that stupid idiot !

You can just see Rags going out and trying the visor thing because he blames it on a flinch at impact just like haney. Perhaps he can play some natural golf with the club in the palm and reduce his potential to w*nk the club just like haney. Maybe Rags could find himself someone hairy just like haney.
can I ask you what kind of therapy you went through?
I finished a post-graduate psychology related degree and am interested because I notice that you still label people, and put others down.


quote:Originally posted by pixie

can I ask you what kind of therapy you went through?
I finished a post-graduate psychology related degree and am interested because I notice that you still label people, and put others down.

Im a nice guy really, I just find I can't help myself sometimes. I find it just too much fun....lol

Perhaps I have - I.hate.morons.a.phobia....lol


I think your right - I must have Ihatemoronsaphobia...

I thought about this other incident where I told Shaun Micheel that he was a pratt during the British Open this year....when he addressed the ball...and then swung and hit the provisional into another gorse bush.... See he missed the cut at the Buick - Boo Hoo...lol. He then proceeded to look at me with a glare and I just smiled back...lol

Well actually I have an explanation. I was perfectly placed in front of the 11th tee and after watching all these great players - here shaun comes and hits his ball - first thing he says is '*uck' and then he walks off and the guy minding the tee box with the please be quiet sign said he should hit another ball.... and then explodes at the guy, the course, the people and the country in an snooty american tone.

Would I do it again - you bet ya ! Was I glad his provision went off line - you bet ya !
Burner, I think your points are valid, but I do think Golf Digest has some responsibility to it's readers to produce information that is somewhat useful. Now if the point of the article is to try to get people to try different things, then ok. But I'd like to go back to Mr. Haney in a year or so and see if he is still employing that trainwreck of a swing.There are some new ideas that make sense to me and I can see them working for some people. I do not believe that TGM is the be-all and end-all. But I think this not looking at the ball, look at my hat and turn my head the wrong direction, is a bit over the top..

Brian Manzella

The Golfing Machine is not SUPPOSED to be the 'be-all-and-end-all' in golf instruction.

Read the book.

Homer says "That's ALL it was INTENDED to do" (more presision in the relationships of the swing components).

He also said (not in the book): "You guys (teachers like me) have FULL REIN to use any techniques/explanation/drills/methods...."
Brian, I have read the book, I believe seven times now and still learn something new each time I read it. I was just making a point that I am always open to new suggestions and ideas, even though I have gotten more out of TGM, your tips, and Danny Elkins than all of the other materials I've read put together. I just thought this article by Haney was the most rediculous thing I ever read and you know there are some poor souls out there right now beating balls and looking at the brim of their hat....

Brian Manzella


It (Haney's article) has started three separate threads on this forum and all came to the same conclusion....

....$320 an hour?


you can see the table of contents for the new issue on their website. not sure if it is out yet, however


quote:Originally posted by Tball88

Burner, I think your points are valid, but I do think Golf Digest has some responsibility to it's readers to produce information that is somewhat useful.
Most of what they print is as useful as the reader makes it for himself. The reader also has a responsibility to read what is actually written, assimilate it and accept or disregard it according to his understanding. Unfortunately, most posters here seem to have misunderstood what Haney was saying - he is NOT (nor is GD) giving swing advice.

quote:Originally posted by Tball88Now if the point of the article is to try to get people to try different things, then ok. But I'd like to go back to Mr. Haney in a year or so and see if he is still employing that trainwreck of a swing.
I do belive that Haney said that by introducing these "errors" he cured his yips AND gave himself something that he could then work on correcting in order to get back to his pre-yip swing. All other attempts at curing his yips by conventional means had failed and he was "going outside the box" in his thinking in order to find a way back to hitting decent drives.

quote:Originally posted by Tball88There are some new ideas that make sense to me and I can see them working for some people. I do not believe that TGM is the be-all and end-all. But I think this not looking at the ball, look at my hat and turn my head the wrong direction, is a bit over the top.
In conventional golfing wisdom I agree. However, "outside the box" thinking seems to have worked for Haney for now and I, too, will be interested to see what he is upto in a year's time - and I bet it will not be using his hat brim sighting, ignoring the ball or any of the other wacky things he speaks of.
Of all the millions of articles written about the golf swing, Haney's is near the bottom.He and Ballard have helped me teach people to square the the back of left hand at impact .They also have some off the wall ideas.Haney wants the shaft to remain parallel to set up shaft angle. Ballard doesn't believe in the magic of rt. forearm.


Heres a thought - Haney swing basically sucks... and that he never had the yips at all and he is too moronic an instructor to sort out his own faults.

My ass he can shoot a 66 .. who is he trying to kid, with a swing like that - I would take a bet with me vs' him every day of the week and twice on sundays.
quote:Originally posted by denny.

Of all the millions of articles written about the golf swing, Haney's is near the bottom.He and Ballard have helped me teach people to square the the back of left hand at impact .

How do you go about teaching people to square the back hand? I sure wish it was something I could achieve consistently (but I don't).
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