A moron artical found while browsing

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**** WARNING*****

Ballard has written that he doesn't like for the student to pull the butt of the club toward the ball, but rather he should swing the back of the left hand toward the TARGET. This is STEERING, and is the WORST advice that could be given. This will cause lag loss, a bent left wrist, and a bent plane line, all with one piece of advice.

Brian Manzella

Ballard like the left wrist to be cupped at the top.

At a PGA Summit, in front of a dozen pros, I showed Ballard pics of 10 great players with DEAD flat or arched left wrist.

His response? "Bad camera angle."
DCLAR-- Read Brian's never slice again article. Rt.wrists bends on backswing.The big factor is that the rt. palm (and clubhead face) can not be skyward near release point .I am teahing a hitters motion here. A person can not get forward lean and a flat left wrist when they have a face thats too open. Your brain will square the face thus scoop roll guide the club. I wish I knew how to post my before and after pictures from my a-star system.Brian is not the best teacher in the Golfdom.I know Brian will appreciate a desire and belief to be the best. Also wish I could type faster. My point about the good information from Ballard and Haney is they teach an early supination from the top.
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