A Question from Bobby Schaeffer

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quote:Originally posted by BobbySchaeffer

It was great chatting with you about TGM.
I enjoyed it as well Bobby - thanks for taking some time, I appreciate it.



Ok, since no one has really answered HOW to learn and train educated hands, is this way acceptable to you guys?

Address the ball or imaginary ball, with a club, dowell, any training device, go to impact fix, then simply start moving the club with short strokes keeping those alignments? As we start to develope a feel for these extremely small strokes, start expanding the strokes always onplane?
Then start adding a ball and start the procedure all over?
How to Educate one's Hands

Know where your hands are and what they are doing during every part of your stroke. Close your eyes. Get to the top. Open your eyes and check out your alignments. Is my Left Wrist Flat? Are my Flying Wedges properly assembled? Have I made a good Pivot? (Remember the Hands are not educated until they control the Pivot). Is my Clubshaft On Plane? If not, they adjust your alignments until they are! Now close your eyes again and feel those aligments. Incubate them into your Computer. Go back and forth between your 'wrong' alignments and the correct ones. Notice the difference in feel.

Repeat this exercise for Address, Start Up, Start Down, Release, Impact and Follow Through.

Another drill. Do small chips in a very quiet room. Do it with left arm only then right arm only, then both arms. It's important to hit these chips softly because you can really hear the sound difference that way. The sound of a no-leakage 3-dimensional (down, out and forwards) Impact. This will really sensitise your hands especially Pressure Point #3.


The only way I know to educate any component is to (a) learn what "correct" is; (b) watch until I know I'm doing "correct"; (c) close my eyes to learn the "feel" of correct.

As the other posters have stated, I like to start with small, slow chipping and gradually work up to full strokes.

Example: I need to learn the flat, level and vertical left wrist, I first learn what a "flat" wrist is; then, I look to see that my wrist stays flat through the entire chipping motion. Once I verify by looking tht I am keeping the left wrist flat, then I chip with eyes closed to engrain the feel. Then I move on to learning "level" and "vertical" the same way. Once I "own" flat, level and vertical for a chipping motion, I then move up to pitching, etc.

The hard part is trying to stay at a level until you own it. I tend to get impatient and move "up" too fast.
Hey fellow golf nuts,
Thanks for all of the feedback so far. I can see everyone has put a lot of thought and incubation time into the process. I've been swamped, but will respond in the coming days to many of your comments. I'll be posting my favorite drills and techniques at a later date.
Great to see so many friends, both old and new, posting.
Manzella-----you promised me some insight..............
MizunoJoe....who are you, I enjoy your postings. You always seem to be one of the first "on the scene". Do you sleep?
birdie man, keep up the good work.
Tongzilla........wow....you must also not sleep.......
Tongzilla wrote: <Have I made a good Pivot? (Remember the Hands are not educated until they control the Pivot).>

I also prefer a hands controlled pivot. Does Doyle? The reason I ask, I have Mike Jacobs "Explosive Golf" DVD and he flat out states the body should start and control the pivot. Ben Doye is quoted on the album cover "This is a great new tool for learning!"

Just curious if there is Doyle's view, too - as well as other TGM instructors.
quote:Originally posted by David Alford

Tongzilla wrote: <Have I made a good Pivot? (Remember the Hands are not educated until they control the Pivot).>

I also prefer a hands controlled pivot. Does Doyle? The reason I ask, I have Mike Jacobs "Explosive Golf" DVD and he flat out states the body should start and control the pivot. Ben Doye is quoted on the album cover "This is a great new tool for learning!"

Just curious if there is Doyle's view, too - as well as other TGM instructors.

Ben ultimately teaches Hands Controlled Pivot. "My mind is in my Hands".

Like I said in my previous posts, sometimes you need to get the student to do Pivot Controlled Hands in order to learn Pivot powered Hands Controlled Pivot.
quote:Originally posted by BobbySchaeffer

Tongzilla........wow....you must also not sleep.......

I sleep Bobby, but my posting times may seem a bit out of sync because I'm across the Atlantic :D

I look forward to absorbing your knowledge.
Mike Jacobs is teaching the "center", which he defines as basically the thigh to lower chest (think "stomach")starts and controls the pivot. He makes a point of keeping the hands and arms reactionary to that.

So, I'm surprised Doyle said it was a great method, since practically the entire video is the opposite of what you are saying he believes/teaches.
quote:Originally posted by BobbySchaeffer

Hey fellow golf nuts,
Thanks for all of the feedback so far. I can see everyone has put a lot of thought and incubation time into the process. I've been swamped, but will respond in the coming days to many of your comments. I'll be posting my favorite drills and techniques at a later date.
Great to see so many friends, both old and new, posting.

MizunoJoe....who are you, I enjoy your postings. You always seem to be one of the first "on the scene". Do you sleep?

Looking forward to your comments, drills, and tecniques!

I'm an Oklahoman with a 20 acre farm and a private driving range for pattern testing. Thanks for reading my posts and answering questions. I doze off several times a day. [|)]

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Hey Mizuno, have you taken lessons from Mike Holder or if not what are youre thoughts as you decribed Oklahoma as a TGM wasteland and there are some AI's there?
4bls - I know that Holder is a G.S.E.D., but having read a few articles of his on golf related topics, he has never mentioned TGM or Homer. I do know Bob Tway reads the book. My impression is that he teaches only his players at Ok St - but I'm just guessing and have never tried to contact him. And recently he was made athletic director at OSU, so his attention will be on other things. I know of no other AIs here or near here, but there are LOTS of hackers who could use one.
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