Not fair. By introducing a torque... you've changed the problem statement. Also in your equation 1 you should have omega squared not alpha squared. Yes the rod (hub and axle actually) experience a real centrifugal force but the bead, not being constrained to rotate about "O", does not. Yes... for an accelerating rod the bead's trajectory would look something like you've depicted.
Is this the same nmgolfer who solemnly announced his retirement from this forum just a few days ago and who before leaving so lovingly aspersed me with such sweet compliments, which I have, for easy reference, shown below?
-1- On another note...Mandrin you are one condescending SOB.
-2- Its apparent that I and a whole lot of others are much better educated than you on matters scientific.
-3- Let me guess... you're a "drafter" or tech-aid like homer was..
-4- Put up or shut up.
-5- Your words ring shallow and empty.
-6- I think you are a ***** and generally *******... but that's just stating fact isn't it.
-7- ---- you as an expert in Logical fallacies----
nmgolfer, let’s not get distracted by such frivilous futilities and let’s have a look at your post.
“Not fair. By introducing a torque... you've changed the problem statement.”
Statement makes no sense. Instead of simple saying, sorry mandrin, I was in such a hurry to put a rope around your neck that I forgot to read/understand your post, hence made a wrong assessment.
“Also in your equation 1 you should have omega squared not alpha squared.”
Wrong. There is no mistake in my formulas.
“Yes the rod (hub and axle actually) experience a real centrifugal force but the bead, not being constrained to rotate about "O", does not.”
Wrong. Also the rod is immaterial in my case.
“Yes... for an accelerating rod the bead's trajectory would look something like you've depicted.”
Wrong. Not
“something like” but rather instead
‘exactly’. It is math driven, no sweet hand made sketches as by some.
From above I wonder if you are just a "drafter" or tech-aid of some kind.