Adam Scott Pivot Analysis

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Hopeless Bias

Michael Finney said: certainly is NOT a stationary head...if it was, why isn't the line cutting through his nose at the top of his swing?

Uh...because the nose turned to the right as the Head pivoted (on its own axis per 1-L-#2) in the backstroke?

Could that possibly be the case?

Face it, Michael, you guys have your own deep-seated bias, and nothing I or anyone else can do will make any difference. If Scott's head isn't centered, then nobody's is.

Bottom line: There are many 'point-between-the-shoulders' pivots in my world, but there are no 'Head-Centered' Pivots in yours.

Fine by me.

Brian Manzella



Please note the following:

If you ROTATE YOUR HEAD about an axis in the CENTER OF YOUr HEAD,

your head will—not only occupy the same space, but—will also appear to move slightly forward.

Don't hurt yourself trying to figure out why.

So....if a "head pivot" appears to move the head slightly away from the target, it sure the heck ain't rotating about the center, it is rotating BACK OF CENTER.

It's on page....

Oh, sorry, it's not in the book.
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Houston, We Have A Center

dbl said:
Here's a Scott swing from another view.

Put your mouse point on his head or neck or back, and I think it is easily apparent his head moving to his right. Also one can surmize a point of rotation being near the top of his spine.

Great, dbl.

We have a Center.

However you perceive it, we have a Center.

That's the important thing.

That has been my position from the beginning.

Brian wrote this on January 7, 2006:


Homer's Two Gifts...And Two Pivot Centers


Talked to Lynn yesterday.

Here is what we are 100% in agreement on (very important)...

Homer Kelley gave us TWO very important gifts:

1. A SYSTEM that explains ALL methods.


2. Homer's preferences (method).

Two patterns that are as close to ideal as is possible, PLUS ideas like the tripod and right forearm pickup, that would allow you the best chance to perform these patterns.

IDEAL? What Homer meant by ideal was this: Best place to START for a hitter or a swinger, while also being MOST interchangeable. Also most GEOMETRICALLY sound. Not longest hitting or best performance (that would be the four-barrel pattern from the 3rd edition). Just two patterns that Homer felt COULD BE DONE BY MOST GOLFERS easily and THEN customize.

So, where does this leave us with our "pivot center" debate?

They are both in book.

Lynn allows for both but prefers one.

Brian teaches both.

A'int The Golfing Machine great??
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