Address: standard or not?

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I think I am a swinger since I do not apply any right arm thurst. At address, I use the middle hand position but find it difficult or uncomfortable to do the right arm takeaway, fanning motion. Since at address the forearm is slightly facing upward, you need to really twist to perform the fanning motion. Today, I use adjusted position with hands more near the left thigh, as recommeded in Chuck's ebook too. Doing that, performing the fanning motion feels more natural, as the right forearm is more downward.

As in TGM, standard address position is recommended and ajusted position is more for hitting, I am confused on whether I am a singer or hitter? Can adjusted position use for swinging too? Is the fanning motion I am doing correct? the forearm will be facing downward to the floor, clubhead feels closed.


Ryan, the difference between hitting and swinging is how you Accelerate the club. You can and people do use different componets, its when you use the wrong components that give you problems.
Starting from impact fix is no problem if it makes you swing onplane correctly and have correct hand alignments.

This is what I did today:

Address: hands near left thigh
Backswing: right arm takeaway, fanning motion to the top
Downswing: shoulder down to the ball, as also want to keep the right wrist bent, therefore dragging down by the shoulder, bent right wrist all the way to the way to the ball, no right forearm thust or power added --- swinging procedure
Impact to finish: still maintain the right wrist bent, dragging to the finish by the right shoulder, not too much left arm turn, feels more angle hinging - oohs! hitting procedure?


Nope....hinging doesnt make you a hitter or UNCOMPENSated swinging procedure uses a horizontal hinge, but once again, how you accelerate the club is what makes you a hitter or a swinger.
An UNCOMENSATED hitting procedure will give you angled hinge.Using an angeld hinge with a swing is simply mixing components.
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