Adequate Compression

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Jim, technically you are correct, but obviously these shots don't have the "proper launch conditions". Often they aren't terrible, but not just a good as they could be. Kind of like when Brian talked about trying to hit irons with no shaft lean on the Trackman. Technically, he compressed the ball the same, but the shot didn't have the launch conditions that were preferable. I would think that Brian wouldn't feel like he compressed the ball properly on these shots. I know that I would feel that way. When I am not compressing the ball properly I know that some part of my game that day will not be very good. A little too shallow and my wedges and short irons aren't very good, a little too steep and my long game suffers.
You mentioned that the more compressed shots didn't go any further, I agree, however, I tend to have a lot more distance control to my shots when I am hitting it properly and distance control is more important than just distance.
I was just trying to give a few ideas on what I struggle with in case the person who started this thread noticed the same tendencies in their swing.

Jim S.

Really it depends on what you are trying to accomplish and with the way equipment is these days you can dial it in for whatever type of attack angle u use.

If you are someone who swings a bit shallower and takes less divots; you may want to play some weaker lofts, iron heads that spin more, and iron shafts with lower kick points to dial in those launch conditions.

I have learned that you need to find the pattern that works for you and then fit the equipment to the pattern. I have a friend who's preferable pattern is a type of NSA with little axis tilt which produces rather low launch angles. So i suggested instead of him trying to completely change a pattern he is comfortable with; he can simply play clubs that will launch it higher for him with a bit more spin to get a more mid trajectory.
I think Brian made it very clear that the attack angle must be a certain amount down for each club to even have a chance to be hit solidly on the sweetspot.

This is what I was trying to convey to wdking. I don't know if I didn't do a good job or if Jim K. just disagrees.
Me too

This is what I was trying to convey to wdking. I don't know if I didn't do a good job or if Jim K. just disagrees.
Your compression "woes" sound like mine, and I have messed with my equipment big time. I went to rifle 5.0s Project X not flighted and got a little more hang time, but nothing else. I too can wear a hole in the sweetspot. I used to hammer 3 iron with the trajectory of a wedge, 210 yards, but my misses were typical BPS high hooks that we were lucky to find. Now I don't even carry a 3 iron, but am really struggling with compressing my irons.
I think you understand perfectly my original jist of this thread
impact bag?

"Lastly, get an impact bag and make sure you know how to use it right. You need to line it up OUTSIDE of your left shoulder (if you're a righty). My game started to make huge leaps once I bought an impact bag."


So, where's a good place to learn how to use one right?
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How about an old tire?

"Lastly, get an impact bag and make sure you know how to use it right. You need to line it up OUTSIDE of your left shoulder (if you're a righty). My game started to make huge leaps once I bought an impact bag."


So, where's a good place to learn how to use one right?[/QUOTE]

Impact bags are great, but I love beating the snot of an old cart tire. Feel as though your left hand isn't connected to your forearm.... and no "adding" with the right wrist either. Half speed, so you don't hurt yourself.
So, where's a good place to learn how to use one right?

Impact bags are great, but I love beating the snot of an old cart tire. Feel as though your left hand isn't connected to your forearm.... and no "adding" with the right wrist either. Half speed, so you don't hurt yourself.[/QUOTE]

Dear Cmartin,

Could you give another sentence on not feeling the left hand connected to the forearm? Do you mean loose wrists? Thanks.
So, where's a good place to learn how to use one right?

Mainly the impact bag should be *outside* the left shoulder. You can then move it about a good foot or so outside the left shoulder. Most amateurs who use the impact bag have the thing off the left heel. As Blake puts it you're holding the angle THRU impact because impact is incidental.

Using a tire is just as good if not better, but most people can't find a tire or don't want to lug it around to the practice range.

Where my game improved leaps and bounds was putting the impact bag about a foot outside of my left shoulder and then trying to make the proper contact using the "combo drill" of staying connected + keeping my right thumb and index finger off the grip. It's *almost* impossible to hit that impact bag doing that drill unless you let the pivot control/power the hands.

While I love TGM, I think too many instructors get bogged down into keeping the angles of the wrists instead of focusing on the pivot. I just believe that if you do not pivot *correctly* and do not get those hips rotated open at impact, you stand no chance of maintaining the angles of the wrists thru impact. Brian is outstanding at conveying the pivot and focusing on the pivot and that's one of the big reasons why he's such a successful instructor, IMO.

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