Advice wanted

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Sorry If this gets long.

My handicap in the last year has come down to 3 thanks to a lot of what I've picked from here and other sites and articles with a TGM sort of flair. However I feel like I have a 8 handicap swing and a scratch shortgame. Tall with a lot of arms miss is always steep and or over the top, divots point left impact towards the toe. Irons much better than driver. I have no interest in reading the yellow book. Even though I believe in the imperatives. My golf funds have been severly depleted thanks to a lovely large kidney stone. No where near an AI or anybody i really trust to help my game. etc.. etc..

Now the advice I want is. If you have to buy one video or one thing to help get on your way to a reliable solid motion. What is it??

Is it Brian's "Building Blocks"??
Is it something Ben Doyle has put out??
Another AI or someone else??

Respect you guys opinion and appreciate all input. Is Brian really as good as he says he is?? LOL Like I said thanks for the input.
I have traversed the golf improvement landscape for 5 years. There is no book I haven't bought or read. No website I haven't either lurked on or participated in. I doubt you can show me a training aid I haven't either bought or borrowed. I have dropped a cool ten grand or so traveling and working with some big name teachers. After all my travels through a confusing land of smoke and mirrors, I have landed here on this site and I am looking nowhere else or any further. Get all of Brian's videos, hang around here awhile, and be one who gets to say sometime down the road, "I knew Brian when he actually posted daily to his followers." That day is coming.

In the meantime.....


IMO, while reading books and reviewing videos is helpful, it just isn't the same thing as having a qualified instructor tell you if you are doing something wrong (or right!).

I would save a few pennies a month and go see Brian, or Ben depending on where you are.

Also, I am sure you can post your swing and others can critique it for you.
I live in NC mtns. Lots of good courses, a few decent pros just not anybody who looks at the golf swing in a way that I feel would do me any long term good. I've been here a while just read a lot more than I post. I'm just tired of the swing thought du jour that works for a week and then spend 2 weeks figuring it out again. I'm a big powerful guy, i just want to start playing that way. Thanks.


That's funny. You're a 3 who feels like an 8, and I'm a 13 who feels like he should be a 3! Wanna trade? Seriously, save up some bucks and take a trip to see Brian or the nearest AI he recommends. I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I'm at the point where I am almost exasperated with this game, and I don't want to be.

Where do you live first? Lets see if some of us, can point you in the right direction, It might be our beloved Brian or an AI from Brians "OK Corral" when the dust settles you just might fine some compression in those golden nuggets of yours. Myself, I fined it, very important to get my pivot working first then work on the other 24 componets (Blend them in like a fine tuned machine)
Ready to run down some bear as bobby shaeffer says it. Good !

Ball Turf
quote:Originally posted by brianman

I'm ready for some video, MC. We'll fix it long distance. Post 'em up.

Will work on getting some video, (get the rest of the snow off the ground) getting ready to go work on a computer, but planning on getting "Building Blocks" when I get home later. Thanks.
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