Anecdotal Observation on The New Release

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As a recovering "handle-dragger", including for many years teaching "lag and drag", I have never seen a more instantaneous and immediate improvement in my ball striking than with the information that both Kevin Shields has shown me personally and that I've gleaned from this forum via BM and MJ. I am indebted to all of you for sharing this information and for allowing me to pass on the information to other "handle-draggers." There should probably be a Handle Draggers Anonymous Meeting every Thursday night. "My name is Eric and chunk a lot of pitch shots..."

But I digress...I, like most other players and teachers that have digested this information, I am always looking for creative ways to teach the New Release and I have an anecdotal observation for someone to analyze. The courses in Philadelphia have serious elevation changes and its not unusual to end up with severe uphill and downhill lies in a round of golf. As a former handle dragger, I found that serious uphill lies gave me fits. It was difficult, if not impossible to pivot like crazy on a 45 degree upslope and usually led to mishits, big pulls and the occasional fan to the right. Since I've been working on this release since August, my severe uphill lies have not only improved, but its not unusual for me to hit a shot 5 or 10 yards further than off a flat lie.

My question is...knowing what we know now about going normal at impact (hands moving up and in) as well as limiting an overactive pivot, would having a player hit shots off an extreme upslope be a good way of getting a player to "feel" a better line up...or is it just me?


@ekennedy .... you should try playing on cow pasture golf courses instead of those finely groomed pussy-soft-and-watered courses, and where the only green stuff is weeds!!!!

You would quickly learn to "nip" the ball and only graze the earth in front of the ball.. while producing a slight puff of dust..!!!!

If you didn't "go normal" at the right time you would decelerate the club, hands and arms rather precipitously into the planet and feel it in both elbows... in a reverse kinetic shock sequence... aka "pain"...!!!

If you want to be a good golfer like the ancient greats, learn to hit the ball off hardpan ... to stay 'normal'...!!!!
@ekennedy .... you should try playing on cow pasture golf courses instead of those finely groomed pussy-soft-and-watered courses, and where the only green stuff is weeds!!!!

You would quickly learn to "nip" the ball and only graze the earth in front of the ball.. while producing a slight puff of dust..!!!!

If you didn't "go normal" at the right time you would decelerate the club, hands and arms rather precipitously into the planet and feel it in both elbows... in a reverse kinetic shock sequence... aka "pain"...!!!

If you want to be a good golfer like the ancient greats, learn to hit the ball off hardpan ... to stay 'normal'...!!!!

Steve, are you golf professional/instructor?


@ekennedy .... sorry for my unhelpful venting, so let me suggest the following. Learn to 'nip' the ball off a driving range mat and when you have that mastered go to the grass section and practice taking a divot. What this does for you is establish your 'normal' and only grazing the grass ahead of the ball when nipping..... then attempt taking a divot by burying the hoola-hoop into the ground.

In this way you will be able to locate and control your 'normal' in both situations. Brian and associates will no doubt be able to provide you with a more extensive solution.
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