Reminds me of Paul Woods' comment at ASII that the golfers Ping have tested can adjust to any lie angle [within reason].
I have played with lies that were too upright for my swing. Could I adjust to them, absolutely. On the RANGE I would see more draw than I wanted to see, so I would hold off the release a little bit until the ball did what I wanted. During a ROUND though, when clubs are constantly changing, I had a really hard time 'adjusting'. I tried to play them for months and NEVER 'adapted' to them, which is far more important than 'adjusting'. After having them bent to the lie angles desired, I am no longer adjusting to them. The contact is better from ANY lie, and playing partners have mentioned how good my irons 'sound' these days. I hit the ball straighter, gained about 5-7 yards with every iron, and take less interactive divots. Could I adjust to different lie angles to hit better shots if Ping was testing me, absolutely yes. But I prefer to flush shots sooner rather than later when I step on the range to warm up before I play. That being said, I have played with guys who I know have far too upright lie angles but they aim right, swing right and play a draw every time. They have adapted to the equipment and it could give them fits if they were bent to 'fit' better.
In summary, I would be careful generalizing about 'golfers' when lie angles are discussed. Lie angles are very individualistic. What hand path is most repeatable under pressure? What is the least desirable miss in your game? How long have you evolved into the current lie angles in your set? How do you setup to the ball? How comfortable are you after setting up more square? These all figure to be important components in my mind.