Anyone have any idea about VJ's workout program???

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Anyone here a "health" professional that can talk about what VJ Singh and other PGA pros might be doing for their physical workouts?


In phils case - sitting round burger king/mcdonalds and going to the bathroom (consituting walking), taking a swing in front of the mirror, and lifting his arms and opening his mouth to stuff the hamburger into there....

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
If you want to train for golf i would reccomend:

cardiovascular work
low weight and high repetition weight workout concentrating on golf muscles
make sure you stretch for a minimum of 20min before and min of 35-40min after

During off months if you would like to bulk up with more muscle mass you have to tone down the cardio
heavier weights and lower repetitions
make sure you switch between free weights and machines every 6 weeks otherwise you'll plateau
Lastly if you plan to build muscle mass on the off season learn how to eat to build the muscle or you'll fail


Yes you are correct swingcircle, this is what i do. I am a c.h.e.k golf biomechanic. Golfers don't realize that traditional weight training actually degrades the motor system. When your playing a game that is dependent on precision timing, control, accuracy and skill, the suggestion made above is not going to help you reach your potential, and may hurt your game.It will help you look better in your bathing suit though. To design a golf program takes thought for each individual person.If you have any more questions, i will do my best to answer them.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
PPG i was simply stating a "generic" plan for most people. Of course everyone will need something different as everyone's body, metabolism, strengths, weaknesses, etc are all different.

However if you know how muscles and the body functions you can do quite well. From my own personal experience, most trainers these days SUCK. If this c.h.e.k. stuff works well then by all means please keep doing it as most trainers in the real world are horrible. It is just a personal pet peeve of mine that anyone can become a certified trainer by paying the test fee and passing. LOL, sounds like some golf instructors.


I didn't mean to offend you jim.Sorry As for my qualifications i have a degree in exercise science. In the fitness field ,i do not know the specific riquirements for every sport, so as a person who tries to keep up with the trends, i always seek further education.This is always a good idea.(pet peeve of mine , people who give generic advice)just kidding(relax'1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)


It probably would, once you had a restored balance in the body.What i find though is that most people do not have the required range of motion specific joints that is required in the swing.I caution you though useing a general stretching prescriptions often result in excessive range of motion in hypermobil joints and continued restriction at hypomobile joints.If you train and do not restore function you will play less, b/c you will get injured.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by ppg

I didn't mean to offend you jim.Sorry As for my qualifications i have a degree in exercise science. In the fitness field ,i do not know the specific riquirements for every sport, so as a person who tries to keep up with the trends, i always seek further education.This is always a good idea.(pet peeve of mine , people who give generic advice)just kidding(relax'1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

Thats good, i wouldn't mind picking your brain some time. Like i said before i just really hate these so called "trainers" that are everywhere and don't really know what the hell they are doing. I remember my g/f got some trainer lessons against my wishes and some of the things he had her do were just crap. Wrong exercises, bad technique, etc. i demanded to get the money back and we did.


i understand jim.i'm sorry your g/f had a bad trainer, but like in every field you will find some junk.I am new to tgm. so if i can give info on what i know i will be glad to.i am learning alot about tgm ,I just ordered brian's tapes.
quote:Originally posted by ppg

Yes you are correct swingcircle, this is what i do. I am a c.h.e.k golf biomechanic. Golfers don't realize that traditional weight training actually degrades the motor system. When your playing a game that is dependent on precision timing, control, accuracy and skill, the suggestion made above is not going to help you reach your potential, and may hurt your game.It will help you look better in your bathing suit though. To design a golf program takes thought for each individual person.If you have any more questions, i will do my best to answer them.

Is this just opinion or is there some science behind this thinking as from what I have been led to believe is that excessive fat stores in the body impede motor skills not excessive muscle cells. I thought the
thinking of the muscle bound theory was dispelled long ago.


thanks for the question Eaglesnest.Think about it this way. When you use body building priciples(muscle isolation)exercises they do not include the functional aspects of training. When a golfer is put on a program that is muscle isolation exercises, sedation of the nervous system's ability to organize and synchronize complex multi-joint movements occur.When you train as a golfer it should improve intergration and synchronation of the whole body. The brain which controls the muscles does not think in terms of inndividual or isolated muscles.The brain recruits groups of muscle in a programmed sequence.Same goes with training skateboarder, as well golfers.When you train for these sports you are under the influence of gravity in a three-dimensional, unstable enviroment.If a exercise does not contribute to, or directly enhance the ability to maintain his or her center of gravity over the base of support, the the carry of to golf will be minimal.I hope i answerd your question.The key thing is in golf you use about every muscle, and about every joint.So we should not isolate unless in a rehab setting.(In my opinion)
ppg I have training with a chek biomechanic for 2 years. It has really helped me in and out of my golf game.
I have lost over 25lbs. I have The Golf Biomechanic's Manual and Movement that Matters but I think Eat, Move and Be Healthy is Paul's masterpiece. I agree that golf instruction is a must. It amazes me that people work and work on their game, spend hundreds on gear and do nothing with the body.


I agree! This is just human nature, it is alot easier to buy a set a clubs,than it is to actually take care of your body. This takes effort, time , money , etc, but ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what benefits. Like most things in life,YOU WILL PAY NOW,OR YOU WILL PAY LATER!I tell my clients pay on the front end makes life so much original question about VJ, i do not have any clue what he does)
ppg, I see what your getting at but I find it hard to swallow that if I happen to use resistance training as way of improving overall strength and fitness that my motor skills will degrade.
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