Anyone have any idea about VJ's workout program???

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eaglesnest, i did not say that resistant training is bad,i just wanted to point out, a golf program is not as simple as lifting a few weights. It was hard for me to accept this too, because of the type background i come from. i have just seen the results in my clients.
PPG and others....

Great topic....I have the CHEK golf biomechanic manual as well and just found a local CHEK level 1 practicinor. We are focusing on balance of range of motion and balance of strengh right now.

One question though about strengh training. I seems logicalthat adding isolation or multifunctional exercises in ADDITION to the CHEK method would yield some ADDITIONAL benefits. I cant believe that there is no place for trational strengh training. Even check has the Lunge (multidirectional) and deadlift in the book (as well as DB press, but, that on the swiss ball).

Also, is the CHEK program designed, in part, to provide size growth, or just strengh and power?

On another note, there is a new CD put out by Mark Verstegen that focuses on a Golf Specific workout, similar to CHEK. I just received mine yesterday and it looks to does not focus on weight training.
If you get to a Tour event in which both Singh and Mike Weir are entered, check out their ritual on the range. They trade clubs and hit balls. Weir is not so good hitting right handed, but VJ looks almost as good left handed as right. It's interesting that the other players on the range stop and watch him. Whatever his workout program, it doesn't seem to hurt his left handed swing.


quote:Originally posted by EaglesNest

ppg, I see what your getting at but I find it hard to swallow that if I happen to use resistance training as way of improving overall strength and fitness that my motor skills will degrade.
"resistance training"? Sounds familiar......

"LAG", I guess.

A heavier object can generate more resistance, I believe.


300drive, i love weight training, and i include it in my personal program. I concentrate on multi-joint lifts though. If i am training a linebacker, it is not really necessary that he have full (rom) in all his joints, because his job is to hit somebody as hard as they can and get back up an do it again.Golf is a different animal because of the precision that we want, and is required in strikeing a ball.That is awsome that you all working to improve those things in your body.You will not regret it.I want to become a AI and have the tools to come up with my own program and exercises to give TGM's. I think The Golf Machine atracts people who would be willing do what it takes to take strikeing a golf ball to a different level.I have been working with Kelonhofer since begining play in 99 and recently with Yoda ,and i have many ideas for the development of a golfer to reach a persons true potential.To answer you question (Size is not a goal, but if a person is out of spape they will develop more muscle mass.(rainy day in Georgia,i will be in all day for any questions)Everybody has helped me so much on this site.


Thats real cute jim. What we are talking about is people maximizing there potential. Some people do well in school, without studying some athletes can run a 4.4 in the 40 without training.But have they maximized there potential?Just b/c somebody may be successful in a chosen field does not mean they have strived for all they could be.But what ever makes you feel good about yourself you can believe.:)
What about training with a heavy Momentus type club? It seems that this would recruit the correct muscles used in a golf stroke.

I have some back and sciatic nerve problems... will swinging full speed with the heavy club possibly cause injury? Are slow motion swings with the heavy club beneficial?

Is the CHEK SYSTEM good for strengthening or helping with back problems?


lagster, I would not recomend swinging a heavy club at a high rate of speed. I do not see anything wrong with just going to static posisition right now, but i would not go further b/c it might cause more trauma. When you have pain your body will compensate at another place in order to function,and may cause problems some place else. I encourage people to work with somebody who can find the root of the problem and not just treat a symptom. ex. you have a headache you take a asprin, well you just treated the symptom. You did not cure anything.
i think if you wanna be a good golfer practice right what does being stronger get you anyway more distance big deal. look at luke donald he is short won two times this year control the ball and have a good short game is my belief. i beleive golf is kinda like pitching in baseball no matter how much you work out its not gonna make that big a difference your born with speed. tiger hits the ball shorter now than he used to when he was 18 at it looks like hes still swinging as hard i remember watching him hit his 3 wood 300 yards every time at pumpkin ridge back then.


bantam, Let me ask you a question.What is required to practice as smart and as hard as a golfer to reach ones potential?ENERGY,ENDURANCE,CONFIDENCE. Not to mention if your body does not have the required Range of motion and is out of balance you will become injured more than likely.How much Right Practice can you do then?You mention Luke Donald , you fall right in the trap as alot of people do. Just because a person doen't look like they are muscular does not mean they are not strong or powerful. I work with a few body builders and they are the opposite they look stronger than they are.It all depends on how the body is trained. The better condition your in the more you can, and the more you will want to practice. Your body will thankyou for it:)
you make some good points ppg . all i am saying is that i think the whole working out thing to make your game better is over emphasized that it is the latest trend, i agree with the endurance being needed so you can stay at the same level of energy throughout your round. and when i brought up luke donald i was just showing you dont have to hit the ball far to have success luke donald obviously is not one of the longer hitters but is turning into a star same thing with padraig or nick faldo neither are long but look at there records
Thanks ppg,

The back does feel better when I work out some on a regular basis. Just resting... seems to actually cause me to feel worse.

What about doing some left handed swings slowly with a heavy club.
I've heard that this helps to balance both sides of the body.

How does one find a CHEK trainer in their area?


Bantam, i understand what your saying. I can not guarentee a client a certain amount of shots they will improve. All i can tell them is that it will give them the energy, endurance, strength,power,ROM, which in every case that i work with breeds confidence.(which i know is highly important in any game we choose to play.When i work with a player i want him to believe that they have worked harder than the next guy or girl.Also it will help improve your golf game with the proper instruction , but a added benefit is in overall improvement of life quality.I just want a individual to reach ones potential in whatever they choose to pursue. And i try to help them on that journey.
quote:Originally posted by lagster

Thanks ppg,

The back does feel better when I work out some on a regular basis. Just resting... seems to actually cause me to feel worse.

What about doing some left handed swings slowly with a heavy club.
I've heard that this helps to balance both sides of the body.

How does one find a CHEK trainer in their area?

go to their website....look...they have a directory by country/state.
PPg, I think there is a lot of truth in what you're stating. For the longest time people thought baseball players shouldn't work out, then came Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and others who quickly destroyed that myth. For me, improving my game took a holistic approach, you must be technically or mechanically sound, strong mentally, strong physicaly, and strong emotionaly. PPG, one thing I disagree with you with is the degradation of motor skills associated with working out individual bodyparts. I think everyone should work individual body parts, in order to ensure muscular balance throughout the body. However, I do agree with you that the core(abs and lower back especially) are particularly important for a golfer.
quote:Originally posted by Tball88

PPg, I think there is a lot of truth in what you're stating. For the longest time people thought baseball players shouldn't work out, then came Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds and others who quickly destroyed that myth. For me, improving my game took a holistic approach, you must be technically or mechanically sound, strong mentally, strong physicaly, and strong emotionaly. PPG, one thing I disagree with you with is the degradation of motor skills associated with working out individual bodyparts. I think everyone should work individual body parts, in order to ensure muscular balance throughout the body. However, I do agree with you that the core(abs and lower back especially) are particularly important for a golfer.

The core also includes the hips, glutes, thighs, and hams.....

By the way, one one the best "power" excercises for golfers:

Take a 6 or 8 lb medicine ball (rubber) and do rotation tosses against a brick wall...10 reps per side, 2 to 3 will be able to coil like never before AND have more power through the ball.
I was told that Jack Nicklaus did much work using a medicine ball. Throwing, and catching the ball are supposed to have benefits.
quote:Originally posted by lagster

I was told that Jack Nicklaus did much work using a medicine ball. Throwing, and catching the ball are supposed to have benefits.

It does, try it againt a brick wall'll know.
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