Yes Brian, do explain Homer's concept about arc and angle of approach, but using the current scientific knowledge that I am about to provide you.
In Chapter 2, Homer illustrates what he perceives to be happening between Impact and Separation of the golf ball and clubhead. He draws a geometric difference between the arc path and arc chord that he believes occurs during the Impact event. Let's do some simple trigonometry to better understand on what scale of dimension we are dealing with in real life.
The Impact event has a duration of 0.4ms (or 4 / 10,000th of a second). New science reveals that the compression phase is about half that or 0.2ms, while the rebound or recovery stage is the remainder. So the Line of Compression can only be applied in half the time and space that Homer thought.
Since the the Impact even occurs in less than half the diameter of the golf ball, the Separation occurs even before the club leading edge reaches the Tee !!!!!! Let us say for convenience that the Impact event occurs in 3/4" of Swing Arc (even though Compression occurs in half that distance or 3/8"). So what is the Radius of the Swing arc? Well Homer tells us it is the Left shoulder, and since a driver may be 45" and the arm length may be 30", the Swing Radius is 75" in total.
So now we have a triangle consisting of two 75" radii between initial Impact and Separation and a base of 3/4". Using simple trigonometry, we can determine that the Angle swept by the Arm-Club radius is only 35 minutes (one degree = 60 minutes) of angle!!
I must reasonably conclude that the difference between the Arc and the Chord between Impact and Separation is insignificantly small, so that there is no significant difference between Angle of Attack and Arc of Attack .... at least not on the human level. Try to manipulate that ... !!!!!
It is a pity that Homer was not aware of trigonometric calculations that would have made him think twice before drawing those grossly out-of-scale sketches in Chapter 2, showing us something that doesn't really exist in applicable reality.
Now it's your turn, Brian .... give em hell .....