HOMER, let me start by saying I sometimes have no idea what the book means . Does this really matter?, what matter is a basic understanding of the conceptes that MR KELLY tried to pass on to his students to improve the golf swing. You go at this like a bad thing, it is not. I think in a time where MR KELLY probably did not have access to high speed camera's his theories are awful close. His ability to break the swing down into areas that he knew others would study and and understand and pass on are amazing and if you think about it what old theories are not questioned today? I am a pretty good player +2 and absolutely love the thought that if I have a problem or a new thought that I can have access to a forum where a very busy and sought after instructor takes the time to give tips ,and answer questions. You have the right to question his theories but leave it at that, youR continuing ridiculing of the book is tiresoom and I don't think your going to change anyone's mind of what the golfing machine is about. Why don't you start your own forum with your own concepts and maybe you will have some followers, this seems to me what you really want , acceptance , TIM PEI PLAYER OF THE YEAR