Arc vs. angle

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HOMER, let me start by saying I sometimes have no idea what the book means . Does this really matter?, what matter is a basic understanding of the conceptes that MR KELLY tried to pass on to his students to improve the golf swing. You go at this like a bad thing, it is not. I think in a time where MR KELLY probably did not have access to high speed camera's his theories are awful close. His ability to break the swing down into areas that he knew others would study and and understand and pass on are amazing and if you think about it what old theories are not questioned today? I am a pretty good player +2 and absolutely love the thought that if I have a problem or a new thought that I can have access to a forum where a very busy and sought after instructor takes the time to give tips ,and answer questions. You have the right to question his theories but leave it at that, youR continuing ridiculing of the book is tiresoom and I don't think your going to change anyone's mind of what the golfing machine is about. Why don't you start your own forum with your own concepts and maybe you will have some followers, this seems to me what you really want , acceptance , TIM PEI PLAYER OF THE YEAR
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

Actually you are BOTH WRONG...the proper grammatically correct sentence would read "....the correct usage should have been the plural "ones."

Horton is right that the word "would" should have been "should" lol.

should refers to past tense and because you are using a past tense the verb to be needs to be in past tense as well so instead of Horton's correction of "should be" it needed to be "should have been."

Jim_0068 signing out
A+ in writing and english ;)

Talk about golf affecting the mind !!!!!!!! In your phrase::

"...the proper grammatically correct sentence would read "...."

... you are literally and grammatically rife with error !!!!!!!

For one thing, the terms "proper grammatically correct" is quite pedantic because "proper" is "correct".

Also using the conditional "would" is wrong in that context. It should be in the past tense "should".</u>

Apologies expected and accepted. :D
quote:Originally posted by TYORKE1

HOMER, let me start by saying I sometimes have no idea what the book means . Does this really matter?, what matter is a basic understanding of the conceptes that MR KELLY tried to pass on to his students to improve the golf swing.......... I am a pretty good player +2 and absolutely love the thought that if I have a problem or a new thought that I can have access to a forum where a very busy and sought after instructor takes the time to give tips ,and answer questions. You have the right to question his theories but leave it at that, youR continuing ridiculing of the book is tiresoom and I don't think your going to change anyone's mind of what the golfing machine is about.......... TIM PEI PLAYER OF THE YEAR

I am pleased that you attribute your golf success to TGM methodology. If anything, TGM has provided a common language and unique terminology to define aspects of the golfswing. What I would like to see is a Simplified Version of TGM Methodology which does not depend on incorrect Scientific claims by Homer. Only in that way can TGM gain any credibity in the entire golf world, otherwise it will wither and die due to neglect by those who promote it in it's current form.

You may happily hack away to your +2 thinking that TGM is the cat's meow in golfswing instruction, but I know the weaknesses within TGM, and I am here to warn everybody that TGM is in risk of being destroyed as a legitimate golfswing system. What are you doing besides playing golf to defend and promote TGM?

Brian Manzella


I really wish you would call me....jeez.

You have not come up with one single simple flaw in Homer's conclusions.

Every time you think you have one, you find out YOU didn't understand HOMER,

NOT THAT Homer didn't understand SCIENCE!
Jeez Brian .... read my many posts where I provide calculated and scientific proof that Homer's conclusions about the Impact Interval and Event are incorrect. His published concepts of LOC are inaccurate and even his use of scientific terminology are wrong. What more do you need. I can provide more, but it would overwhelm this forum format.

Great methodology ... lousy Science .... No wonder the PGA rejects TGM. They would look like fools if they endorsed TGM in it's entirety.
Horton, I should have clarified, I am traditionally taught, My swing is not TGM and this is where I have some of my problems. I am working on several concepts from TGM and I have had sucess. In the past I used to overswing but Mr MANZELLA gave me some help with the left hand grip and it made a huge difference , from there I was intrigued. I threw the TGM book out years ago due to no instructors in the area and no forum like this one. The closest instructor to me is 1000km's. The people for the most part that read this forum are here for TGM and BRIAN. I an not sure who you are trying to convince but I don't think your going to change BRIAN'S thoughts Why don't you assist this forum by adding your drills and swing thoughts , forums like this one are here to assist golfers, TIM
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