Art Maffei presents BBKIB to the PGA of So Cal

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About 2 weeks ago, I was asked to present the teaching segment at a SCPGA Cracker Barrel Meeting. I invited Art Maffei to be a guest speaker and he blew their minds with his talk about how rocket science and golf are actually very similar...We went down to the range and the pros that tried his 'bbkib' maneuver all claimed to hit it better...The 3 head honchos were there and invited us to speak together at our Fall Summit and probably at the National Summit in Orlando.
Just sharing a cool experience.
That's good to hear. I think we need to open up to new ideas in golf. Golf instruction has been pretty poor for a long time now, with a few exceptions who were generally rejected by the mainstream PGA. Nice to hear of this collaboration which the Bman's web presence has no doubt contributed to.

The only thing that worries me is whether the guys doing all this pioneering work will be recognised and duly rewarded. I doubt that unfortunately. Intellectual Property is a tough one to defend.


Thanks Brian,

Hope we can get together soon.

Best regards,

So far, I have limited exposing the complicated 'dynamics' of only the lower body with a proposed solution of BBKIB to enhance the dynamic stability of about 1/3 the total body weight. There are many more rapidly rotating elements (also accelerating AND decelerating) in the remaining 2/3 weight and dynamically DOMINANT elements that play CRUCIAL ROLES in any golfers ability to get within the plus or minus 1-2 degrees of club head position and path precision while the club head is constantly accelerating to about 100 miles per hour.

The bodies 'natural' abilities and 'wiring' to these torque producing elements just can not meet the demanding requirements without attention to both the individual AND integrated aspects of dynamic balance with regard to the instantaneous screw axes of rotation of at least the torso, the shoulder girdles, the arms and of course the club. The main task is to address these error producing natural movements with the knowledge that the human bodies 'hard wired' priorities seem to be 'safety/survival/stability, robustness, then and only then, performance'.

Respectfully and appreciatively,
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