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I have found that my backswing causes me a lot of problems because it is too flat and I fully set my wrists way to early. I pull my arms across my chest, damn jim hardy, and makes it hard to drop it in the slot on the way down. Also, my shaft plane is way too flat and my hands end up past my right heel at the top. Sorry if all my terms or descriptions are not TGM lingo, I am still learning. Any Ideas on how to get a more upright backswing?
Sounds like your not lifting your armshands enough, trying to get arm across the chest, as you said. Bad news in my book. Trace plane with right palm up and in. Right forearm level or above left as you go up.
Other things that can cause:-
Over rotating armswristshands, Swaying, too much axis tilt at address, Too flat a shoulder turn, upright posture.
Good question! And one debated very well on many forums!
I use a hands control pivot, so for me it's conscious. My right wrist forearm feels like it starts the backswing, taking the club up on plane (or I hope). It feels one piece.. everything moves together.
The point is, pivot controlled or hand controlled, good players have their arms level or above shoulder plane at the top. So they are moving on a good plane (not flat) .
Shoulder turn take awayers will butt in here and help you out no doubt.
Sure- No rotation in this world is going to lift them.

Even with a shoulder take away- somewhere the hands need to go up.

With a right forearm take-away the up- out and in happen at the same time- on the incline plane.

In either case- it is the folding of the right elbow that raises the club as the hands hold the club and move in and around.

I feel the right hand stretching the left arm (yes across the chest- delayed hip action) up in an incline plane as the right elbow folds trying to stick my grip over my right shoulder.
Thinking about it, I would say yes definately conscious particularly if you are changingdoing soemthing different.
You need to feel your hands go to the right spot.
thanks guys, i will be working on the backswing tonight, and probably for a few months to come. That backswing right now is just WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to flat.
I'm using a STT....there is no conscious thought of lifting the hands at all.

Just turn + Extensor Action. They get into a nice place at the top...

Like 6bee was talkin' about though....surely your arms (well, right arm) does some lifting at some point in the backswing....whether you're conscious of it or not. The momentum of your backswing alone is not flinging them to the top.....

Imagine your arms actually were turn your shoulders. How well would that work? ;) I forget where I heard that but it's a great example.


quote:Originally posted by shootin4par

thanks guys, i will be working on the backswing tonight, and probably for a few months to come. That backswing right now is just WWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to flat.
Could I suggest that you adopt your address position but without a club in your hands.
Keep your left hand in place and just raise your right hand up as if you are swearing allegiance to the flag.
Maintain that position whilst you swing your left arm up to reaquaint your hands at what is the end of your backswing.

Repeat the process over and over until it comes naturally to you - then start making the same back and upwards movement with both arms at the same time.

Introduce the club in to the equation and you will notice that your shoulders and hips have also turned sufficient for you to get the job done.
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