Been using NHA now slicing!

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Hi there, I'm a former hooker who has been working on NHA but now hitting push slices. My right hand grip was too strong and was swinging too far right, so have made them more neutral

How do I get back to the middle? I like not snap hooking it but don't want to become a slicer! Thanks

Brian Manzella

Toward the middle

Hi there, I'm a former hooker who has been working on NHA but now hitting push slices. My right hand grip was too strong and was swinging too far right, so have made them more neutral

How do I get back to the middle? I like not snap hooking it but don't want to become a slicer! Thanks

The first adjustment would be to take the club a bit more IN, instead of purely UP the wall.

The second adjustment would be a tiny bit stronger grip. Both Hands.

The third adjustment would be to make sure your shoulder turn is not too steep. Feel like your right shoulder goes more back.

The final one, would be to turn your right hip back more away from the ball.
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