Best Camera for Capturing Swing

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What is the closest thing on the market within reason to the Konicka Minolta Biz Hub Swing Vision.

And what can I buy for under $300 that will remarkably capture impact position?
I have a "newish" cannon and it's a bit dissapointing, shaft blurrs if light not strong enough and can't do much with shutter speed or exposure

The camera Brian mentions is AMAZING but it also has an AMAZING price tag. Take your budget times 3 and then add a couple hundred bucks.

I think there are some decent still cameras that will also take a short video to capture your swing. Some are capable of high FPS. Not sure brands or model numbers for you??

What is the closest thing on the market within reason to the Konicka Minolta Biz Hub Swing Vision.

And what can I buy for under $300 that will remarkably capture impact position?

For the money, this is hard to beat and will fit your budget.

Low light situations doesn't work too well. Then again, it's been awhile since I played golf in the dark.

Might be available at Costco, seen em at Target and Walmart (very old version).

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You will need a digital camera that does 60fps video, that would be your cheapest route. The only cameras that i'm know for a fact that does that are any of the canon point and shoot cameras; double check to be sure but i know on the most that i looked at they did it.

Don't even bother with 30fps videos on cameras.

What price are you talking??

x=300 (his budget)




1100 bucks!

Once again it is AMAZING. Check out their website and it gives you sample movies at slo mo speed. Takes stills as well. If I was a golf teacher this would be high on my list. Hell, I still might try to talk my wife into it...
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