hi jamesburg....just curious what were the errors in Kostis book "inside path" ...??
I thought I still had the book by Kostis with all of the errors underlined, but apparently it was lost or discarded when we moved. I have no intention of buying another copy.
Since I cannot quote the errors, I withdraw my statement about it.
It has been a long time since I read it, but I do remember a couple of things that I can tell you.
He advocates an inside-to-inside clubhead path, and then describes it wrong. He says that the clubhead should come from inside to impact, and then directly along the target line for a brief time. I even remember a black and white photo with the clubhead path shown by a solid curving colored line up to impact. Then it continued as a perfectly straight dotted line for maybe 2 to 3 feet down the target line.
It should be obvious that a clubhead could be swung straight down the target line only with a putting stroke. There were other obvious errors like this, but I cannot remember them now.
Then there were things that I did not agree with, and those are only my opinions.
I do not agree with an inside-to-inside clubhead path, even when it is described correctly. It must be too precise. Any small error can result in a very bad shot. When a recreational player tries to use an inside-to-inside path, it usually becomes outside-in. I prefer inside-out.
Kostis advocates controlling the swing with both hands and both arms. That's not a good way, in my opinion, so that made most of the book read wrong to me. However, he is not alone in this. Some other instructors have said the same thing. Heck, Jim Flick says that the arms should swing the shoulders. Maybe these control methods work for someone, but I don't know how.
The first 3 books that I mentioned also had some problems with control methods, but these books were otherwise very helpful.