Blister Pattern

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What is the proper blister pattern in the left hand? ......If there such a thing?

Noticed that 95% wear a glove on tour.
If you didn't wear a left hand glove for the top hand.....where would your blisters be located?

Im thinking if would be over the base of the last three fingers, and more prominent over little finger.

Im also getting a blister over the ring finger closer to the fingertip for some strange reason but not on the little or middle finger.


My blister on the ring finger is one of those callous that is in that Hogan's diagram.
But I find out I was hitting poorly I would just wear out that one callous into a blister....and have no other areas worn out.
Then I changed my left hand grip a bit so Im a bit more snug at the 5th knuckle left hand then I noticed the rubbing pattern on my left hand have developed callouses like in Hogan's diagram.
I also noticed that when I have an equal distribution of the callouses pattern rather than just one spot on that left hand Im hitting well.
I dont wear a glove to play cause I like to feel the grip but seem to me that the firmer the grip at the butt in on the club the better results I get so maybe I don't need as much sensation as I thought.


Here's the page from 5 Lessons:

Snead claimed to never have a blister.
But otherwise it depends on whether you are a short or long thumber and how top or aft it is.
Blisters are caused by movement (friction), and not holding too tight, obviously.
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