Trust me, no-one gets round in three hours very often round here. I agree that carts can slow the game down, but they are usually a necessity in the US as the courses are designed with them in mind, i.e. a half mile trek through houses to get from green to the next time. I've only played in Florida, mind, so it may be different in other states.
I think the debate about whether any other style of course other than a true links is a bastardisation of golf is a non-starter. It's an argument I've heard many times from so-called purists who also tend to be anti-hybrids, anti-golf carts, anti-lob wedge, anti-big headed drivers, anti-women, anti-juniors, antedeluvian. The world contains numerous fantastic non-links courses and golf would be alot poorer without them.
On a separate note, I'd give a vote to Peter Thomson as the best links player.