BLOG: Not Enough Teaching Going On in "The Haney Project"

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Brian Manzella

teach   [teech] taught, teach⋅ing

1. to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in: She teaches mathematics.

Teaching Golf

Getting a student to perform a series of tasks with a golf club.

A couple of examples of these tasks are Driving, and hitting irons shots.

The teacher MUST find a way for the student to be able to PERFORM the tasks, in a variety of settings.

That seems pretty straight forward, huh?

But, if you watch "The Haney Project" on Golf Channel, and you watch Hank Haney interact with his "student," former NBA great Charles Barkley, you are seeing something all together different.

To me, the problem is that folks out there in TV Land might start thinking they are watching "Golf Instruction" at the highest level. Because if they do—and I'd bet most are—then this very entertaining show (at least by Golf Channel standards) may be a bigger set back for golf instruction then watching Roy McAvoy "teaching" Dr. Molly Griswold in Tin Cup.

Thank goodness for Charles Barkley, who could make a show about stacking beer cans worth watching. Co-"star" Hank Haney does a very good job on camera, coming off at least mostly like the guy I've met and had lunch with, listened to at teaching seminars, and watched give lessons. Too bad the show is a farce in the strictest sense of the word.

It is supposed to be the "World BEST Golf Instructor" fixing the "World's WORST Golf Swing."

It should be billed as "A Big-Name, One-Method Teacher trying to teach the same thing he teaches everyone—in the same exact way he teaches everyone—to a world-class athlete with a Hitch-from-hell in the middle of what used to be a 7-handicap swing."

It could then be called "Troubleshooter Exposed."

It really is sad, to be perfectly honest with all of you. My great friend Don Villavaso used to say that the worse thing that could ever happen to a poor golfer, is for them to take lessons from whoever is supposed to be "the best." Because if that golfer doesn't get fixed, he will then "be sure" it is him.

This seems to be the fate of Sir Charles, because he has basically not improved one little bit.

When you teach golf for 27 years as I have, you see quite a few swings in the manner of Barkley's. Swings that look terrible and hit worse than that, and have been taught from sea-to-shining-sea by a handful of "World-Famous" or at least "Locally Highly Touted," teachers.

What do you do with people like this?

Well, you fix 'em, because, well, that's your job.


Every bad swing has a "big flaw" and the trick is to find out why the golfer added that move to their pattern.

You often have to try all sorts of things, all sorts of patterns, and all kinds of

Sometimes you try to use the flaw, and build around it


Sometimes you have to play some tricks, like planting in some elements that are not designed to "stick around" for the new pattern, but are used to "blow up" the old one, or at least the "fatal flaw."

You never show frustration to the student, unless you are faking it for effect.

And you never, ever, ever, stick to doing something that isn't working for too long.

Hank Haney is doing a better job of proving everything I ever said about method-teachers is correct, than helping poor Charles.

Hey Hank! Do something different, it ain't working, dude.

You'd think that the ONLY WAY to swing a golf club is with a head that doesn't dip, and a backswing that starts off at New York City, and winds up in Miami, followed by a downswing that scrapes Cuba, and finishes anywhere between Dallas and Kansas City.

Newsflash, Hank.

There are Tour Players with dipping heads that drive Bentleys, and Hall-of-Famers with similar "faults" as the round mound of rebound.

It's the HITCH, Henry.

I see a lot of Hank preaching. But very little of Hank showing.

I hear Hank pleading, but I hear zero of Hank reasoning.

I see lots of line drawing, but no figuring a way around the "detour."

I like to see some grip variation experiments. Some different stances. Any thing but that silly lift the club up and make a circle drill, that looks like the opposite of Ray Floyd's swing and has produced nearly opposite results.

1000 balls a day?

Come on Hank, that trick might work with one of those 1000 super-talented juniors that have passed through your doors over the years that you've turned into, eh, you developed into, ah, a couple of really good Tour players.

What about a 1000 new ideas a day?

What about having Charles watch you, watching the brim of your cap 1000 times a day?

The best part of all of this is the "fall back plan"—the poor student is just unfixable.

Or unteachable.

The idea that the golf magazines, Golf Channel, and PGA Tour Players have managed to discover the very best golf teaching talent on earth, has been a stretch by best, and a travesty at worst for 30 years.

Here's your proof.

The "proof" is simply this: Teaching the world's best golfer to play just slightly worst than the last "name" teacher is one thing. Fixing the broken golf swings of golfers Tiger can give 20 a side to, is something altogether different.

I promise, if I hear one more "famous" guest of the show, utter the phrase, "Hank is a genius" I think I'll throw a brick at a TV. A cheap one. I wouldn't waste a good TV on this.

At the end of the day, a lot of folks are watching the show, and I guess that's good for golf.

But I know better.
Charles is a great guy, and he makes the show. He is exactly the same in person as he is on the show, friendly, out-going and funny. Like the rest of America I'm pulling for him big-time...and Brian's point about giving up because he can't learn from the "best" has me concerned. Go Charles!


Charles can do it. Believe me. I've seen it right in front of my own eyes. I have been there when he made a very good, hitchless swing and hit the ball solidly and consistently. He really is a LOT of fun to be around and easy to teach if you hit him with the right idea, he can do it pretty darned well.

John Dunigan
Charles is a great guy, and he makes the show. He is exactly the same in person as he is on the show, friendly, out-going and funny. Like the rest of America I'm pulling for him big-time...and Brian's point about giving up because he can't learn from the "best" has me concerned. Go Charles!

Don't worry toobell...he by no way shape or form is taking lessons from the "best" right now in Haney. He is certainly not the best at teaching higher handicap players! Charles will have many others to go to that could help his golf game out.
I wake up at 4 in the morning for work... (oh yeah, I got work for everyone who knows I was out of work for a while)

This show comes on at 9pm, by that time, Im in bed, and NOT watching...

but its good to hear all is going well with it... ;)
Not too knowledgeable about golf mechanics but a thought just came into my mind. Why don't someone do Charles a favor and send him a copy of Building Blocks + Confession?

Probably will do him a lot of good to go back to the basics. My 2 cents. :)
There's actually a couple of YouTube videos of pros giving Charles lessons and claiming that they 'fixed' him before the entire Haney Project came about. So the entire 'I've never taken a lesson' from Charles isn't remotely true.

I actually do like the show.

There's actually a couple of YouTube videos of pros giving Charles lessons and claiming that they 'fixed' him before the entire Haney Project came about. So the entire 'I've never taken a lesson' from Charles isn't remotely true.

I actually do like the show.


Yeah Haney will be in the same boat as those You Tube fixers of Charles soon enough. Just as Charles couldnt hold on to the fix with them he will at some point lose the fix from Haney.

Sorry JD! It did look like you fixed him at the time though! Dont remember

I like the show too in that I keep tuning in but I wish there was more instruction as Brian said. I didnt see it but the Haney Academy was apparently similar as a friend of mine watched that and he said it also was lacking in substance...probably a producing thing from the GC.

I agree, not much teaching. Almost like he's afraid he might detract from his website, book and video sales. I find the show to be disappointing up to this point to say the least.

And, the guy on the Swing Fix has me craving oxygen. Talks a mile a minute.
I wonder if the golf channel/golf digest/magazine...etc.etc. sell the public this crap on purpose? These people must know this stuff doesn't work for the masses right? I mean I guess if you have a product that people don't think they need anymore, they won't buy it? So, why would you sell something that actually helps people with their games when you can keep screwing them AND make money...These guys are brilliant.
I agree with BManz 100%. A good part of my living comes from teaching and rule #1 is you never blame the student for lack of progress. Unless they're not trying. Charles is trying hard and Hank isn't adapting. Still, the show is entertaining, which is the whole point.


I haven't watched the show, but was wondering what he is doing to Tiger's swing. Didn't Tiger used to hit the stinger 3 wood more often when he had to find a fairway (17 and 18) today? I see Tiger hitting some really good shots, but where are the great iron shots ala Phil today.
I haven't watched the show, but was wondering what he is doing to Tiger's swing. Didn't Tiger used to hit the stinger 3 wood more often when he had to find a fairway (17 and 18) today? I see Tiger hitting some really good shots, but where are the great iron shots ala Phil today.

Stingers on 17 & 18 are tough because you're going a bit uphill and you may leave yourself with a really long shot on the approach.



I wonder if the golf channel/golf digest/magazine...etc.etc. sell the public this crap on purpose? These people must know this stuff doesn't work for the masses right? I mean I guess if you have a product that people don't think they need anymore, they won't buy it? So, why would you sell something that actually helps people with their games when you can keep screwing them AND make money...These guys are brilliant.

i think they believe their stuff works, they believe that we the masses just can't get it right, there's alway's something that were screwing up in their methods. Also just like in every sport there are people that are great at said sport, people that are good, people that are so,so and people that are not very good. what makes golf any different if we were all great we could all play the tour! it's like that in any human activity some people are great some aren't. so what? it shouldn't stop us from trying to improve. like brian said it's up to us to find the teacher or things that work for each persons individual game. that's the real challenge!:eek: if Golf Digest is in the loop and they know whats up..Why don't they hire good teachers like Brian to write instruction articles and make DVDs that he doesn't have to produce himself? I think the people at these magazines/networks know what they are doing..Why else would you see those ads for "The next best driver that will add forty yards to your game and lower your scores." MONEY I could be wrong...but????
Golf Digest's job is to sell magazines and get ad revenue from either their magazine or their Web site.

The instructional pieces are usually done by Tour players or teachers who have quite a few students on Tour.

The average, joe schmoe 20 handicap golfer wants to either listen to what the Tour players say or the teacher to a bunch of Tour players even though it's really smoke and mirrors.

It also depends on the tour players the instructor has. For instance, if Tiger was to say 'y'know, it's quite embarrassing that I couldn't find the fairway on 17 and 18 and I'm going to dump Haney and go to this Manzella guy', as long as Tiger's game doesn't fall off the earth (which we know it wouldn't), Brian's phone would be ringing off the hook from the Golf instruction mags.

With Cabrera's win, expect to see Charlie Epps on a golf mag soon with some putting tips.

Just the way it is.



Guest if Golf Digest is in the loop and they know whats up..Why don't they hire good teachers like Brian to write instruction articles and make DVDs that he doesn't have to produce himself? I think the people at these magazines/networks know what they are doing..Why else would you see those ads for "The next best driver that will add forty yards to your game and lower your scores." MONEY I could be wrong...but????

well of course a magazine is going to need advertisement to survive financially. and if your selling something it pays to advertise, no big surprise there. wasn't making an argument about that. just an opinion on why it shouldn't matter what these so called expert instructors say or sell, if you are at this golf forum you already know a lot of the truth from brian and his staff, where else are you going to find this info? you and about ten thousand other members/ visitors have found the right place it,s up to you to spread the word to others. i mean think about instuctors teaching the wrong ball flight laws to people for how many years? just that alone has screwed up how many people for how long. Brian didn't let the so called establishment stop him
it's actually a blessing in disguise that golf digest or whoever ignored Brian we are the benefactors of their ignorance,( serendipity is a beautiful thing). BELIEVE THIS! ONE DAY BRIAN WILL GET HIS TIME IN THE SUN IT'S ALREADY STARTING TO HAPPEN AT ENGLISH TURN!:);)

Brian Manzella

Ok, Ok....

I really didn't write this to go over what goes on in the golf biz.

I like my spot, right where I am.

I am gaining ground on my term, in my way.

This BLOG is about the LACK of TEACHING that goes on at the so-called "top" of my profession.

Trust me, Hank is not holding ANYTHING BACK.

That's all he's got folks.
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