BLOG: The 2nd Biggest Lie Ever Told in Golf Instruction History - by Brian Manzella

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"In fact, I daresay that every person who reads this already knows how to swing a golf club in the way that best suits them."

That is a very, very strange statement. Best suits them? If they weren't interested in improving their golf game, they wouldn't be here. They might be comfortable with their existing swing, but comfortable may not yield the desired improved results. Furthermore, there are people who come to this forum, and other forums, who are beginners. You really think they have any clue about what best suits them?

Brian Manzella

I hate to say it but....

The better player KNOWS deep down, what works for them.

I fix 'em, and they say, "This is what I used to do when I could really play."

The poor golfers know za-ro.
"In fact, I daresay that every person who reads this already knows how to swing a golf club in the way that best suits them."

That is a very, very strange statement. Best suits them? If they weren't interested in improving their golf game, they wouldn't be here. They might be comfortable with their existing swing, but comfortable may not yield the desired improved results. Furthermore, there are people who come to this forum, and other forums, who are beginners. You really think they have any clue about what best suits them?

Hi Steve. I'll concede that my statement is open to interpretation - that was the idea. Let's see if I can clarify.

Yes - I do think that any able-bodied beginner has a "clue" about what best suits them. Their body - any golfer's body - already knows everything it needs to know about swinging a golf club. Now, it is absolutely true that for many people, accessing and applying this knowledge does not come naturally; nonetheless, it's there. My point is that traditional instruction tends to not recognize and capitalize on this latent potential. Instead, teachers offer more "knowledge" which often translates to added confusion. Many students have been "taught", but did they learn? It is only when 'knowledge' is converted to bodily awareness that we can say 'learning' has occured.
OK, that's your theory.

Sounds like something you read in a book.
Reminds me of phrases like, "Give Peace a Chance",
or " ", (No I better not say it, too political).

You said, "It is only when 'knowledge' is converted to bodily awareness that we can say 'learning' has occured."
Is that like "Be the ball, Danny"?

Nice, but so what. Please explain how you would instruct as compared to what you call traditional instruction.
Not generalities. What are your steps with a student who is brand new to golf?

What are my steps? I wouldn't know. I am not an instructor. Wouldn't attempt it.

I guarantee Brian knows, and he just posted that poor golfers know zero.
continued.. sorry his send too early

i previously said I think one has to defint "fix"

If the players goal is to not hook the ball with his driver then causing him to hit nice little pull cuts or a straight shot could be considered a fix.

However, if that same players goal was to lower his handicap by x amount then that May be a different "fix", assuming the driver shrimps are not the only part of his game keeping him from the score he/she may be trying to achieve.

That being said what can or can not be achieved in 1 or 2 lessons or x number of minutes is highly variable.

A good teacher can definately make some permanent postive improvements in limited time. Whether it is the total "fix" depends on many variables.

The player that brian noted definately had great improvement, seemed to be quite pleased and therefore could be considered fixed.

I think good teachers need to understand the objective of the student before they can even think about the method, science, tools , drills etc. that are appropriate for THAT particular student.

Just my .02

Brian Manzella

A little refresher course.....

This is the thread thesis from post #1:

"The vast majority of serious lesson givers in the world do not believe that you can give a chap a lesson and fix their slice for good. Or teach them to chip. Or whatever in one or two lessons.

They say anything that is done in that much time is a and-aid at best, or total bull turds at worse."

They are as wrong a they can be.

All this other stuff is irrelevant.

I am looking forward to a lesson with Brian. I am sure he has taught 100s if not 1000s of people

I have band-aids in the medicine cabinet..I don't need band-aids

All i want to have is an idea of what works for me....will it work right away?? it really doesn't matter

I want my grip to be right (for me).......i want to know how to begin the backswing (for me)

I want to have a good set-up (for me).....I want the basics...just the basics....HOWARD PATTERN

I have watched every youtube Brian has done.........i have watched his dvds..I believe he can give me

the tools to "just play golf"......All i want in 1hr is an IDEA....I will work tirelessly to make them work

NOW having said all that....I have complete confidence in Brian and in myself. Brian is the teacher

I am the student.... I hope i can do my EFFECTIVELY as I know he will do his

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