Body Rotation and Back-to-Target

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Tom Bartlett

You want your right shoulder to move down plane. Some things that could hinder this: Steering, poor hip action, not enough axis tilt, etc. I know people who have tried this back to the target and it worked for them because the feeling of back to the target was really them keeping the right shoulder on plane. That feeling helped them correct one of the aforementioned problems. But, trying to keep the back to the target and move the arms down to the ball...yuk! Unless, maybe you are up against a tree. Correct hinge action is what "closes" the club face. Hackers try to use their body.


Tom, you stated "correct hinge action is what closesthe clubface", I thought hinge action was the action of the face from seperation to follow through??

I agree with all saying that if you kept your back to the target and just used your arms, it wouldnt be good, however, if you use that feel to learn to move your shoulders correctly, then it can be a good thing.
After the way I was crushing/compressing the ball last night, I have got to believe it corrected something.

I play an R5 TP with a Diamana 83 shaft and the clubhead literally felt like a sponge and the shaft felt like a spaghetti noodle at impact :)!
Tom, your right shoulder certainly looks lower than the left at impact in your picture. You have a very enviable impact position!

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Stop focussing on keeping your back to the target and focus more on just getting the right shoulder to go completely downplane.

I think shoulder acceleration can be easily "over done" and the common terms of spinning out and roundhousing occur. I know from personal experience.
With all due respect c21heel....just because you can work the ball well...doesn't mean you have "educated hands...just very coordinated hand manipulation".....Educated Hands....know what the 3 functions of the club are doing via the pressure points in the hands and the #4 located on the body...they also know precisely the course of they're own delivery path...the deliver line of the clubhead...and tell the pivot components how much to move and when to create the proper spacing between the components....Educated hands control and command the entire motion.....very few are those with educated hands...very many are those who have enough talent to manipulate their hands.....I look forward to video we can solve the riddle of YOUR stroke pattern...


Inspired by Brian's clips of the left shoulder's up plane movement being responsible for the right shoulder's downplane movement, I find I do better if I feel an unabated pull from my left shoulder all the way from load through to release. As long as I aim the loaded lag from the left wrist cock ahead of the ball on the plane line, don't lift my pivot center, and maintain that continuous pulling feeling from my left shoulder, I believe , though I can't verify one-hundred percent, that my right shoulder is onplane. One of those rare situations where mechanics follows feel.
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