Your big post on page 2 had all these hard breaks:
(Seems maybe you use Shift-Enter sometimes? At least that's how I can replicate these hard breaks. But if so there is no need for doing that. Sorry for the time taken on this point.
This is just silliness. < br /> < br />
Let's see how this might play out. Golf needs new players to replace the one's who
die or quit.< br />
Television is a prime mechanism for getting people interested in learning the game.
Television < br />
is expensive and requires funding. Funding comes from advertising. Some of the
advertising comes < br />
from companies in the golf industry. They are advertising in order to sell product.
It's called marketing.< br /> < br />
So following your logic, golf marketing is evil and should be ignored. The result
would be no golf courses, < br />
because the number of players would decline overtime to a point where courses
couldn't stay in business.< br />
Golf equipment manufacturers would go out of business. I don't know if you
noticed, but golf isn't exactly a growth industry in the western world.