Brian about the hips.

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Are you saying start the swing with the hips and downswing with the hips? Doesnt that give you a roundhouse swing? I do have more power when I use my hips but with the driver my timing is off why is that?...joe
Slide then turn

I think you can avoid roundhousing if you slide toward the target then turn back as opposed to "turning in a barrel" type of action.

Brian will have much more on this but that is my experience. You slide, the turn to start the downswing. If you turn without the lateral move to the target then you will come out and roundhouse (which is the bain of folks who have tried to turn in a barrel).
How much hip slide is too much? When I think about sliding my hips forward, my right elbow gets too far behind me, which is bad considering i have trouble releasing the club.
improper load up

SundayHacker said:
How much hip slide is too much? When I think about sliding my hips forward, my right elbow gets too far behind me, which is bad considering i have trouble releasing the club.

Go to BM Perfect backswing Pivot and practice. You will never slide too much. The throw will see to that real soon.
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