Brian Manzella Academy VIP School near Washington D.C.

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Brian Manzella

The Brian Manzella Golf Academy proudly announces
a V.I.P. Golf School


For more information, or to register, call me at

or email me at

Brian Manzella

More Teachers & More Spaces

We have six folks already signed up for the school, but we will be adding an additional instructor, either Mike Finney or Mike Jacobs, so now we have room for 2 more students.

Some folks have emailed me about the chance that we have extra room, and they will get first dibs, but we will now have 8 spaces and four teachers.

I will contact those who have asked and those who will, tonight after teaching and din-din.

We have six folks already signed up for the school, but we will be adding an additional instructor, either Mike Finney or Mike Jacobs, so now we have room for 2 more students.

Some folks have emailed me about the chance that we have extra room, and they will get first dibs, but we will now have 8 spaces and four teachers.

I will contact those who have asked and those who will, tonight after teaching and din-din.


So excited to be a part of this. I'm soooooo frustrated with my game right now, hopefully this will put me back on track.
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