Brian Manzella, Face-On Driver Swing, big fade, on Pebble Beach's #14

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Blah, Blah, Blah.

You want it between my feet—dead still? No problem. You want a sequenced release? You want a steep shoulder turn and weight on my LEFT foot at the top? No problem. You want a flat arm swing, with a steep shoulder turn? I'll take me two shots to get ready for ya.

I just want a low score.
Alright... looked at the swing pretty closely and here's what I see..

That's a VERY flexible shaft.
For all the bobbing up and down your axis is the same place it was at setup.
You appear to be float loading.
So much for a firm left side.
Nice "John Daly" elbow you got there.
Boy did you swing left on that one.
Good axis tilt on the backswing and at impact... where it's important.
You finished with both elbows in front of you indicating a good release of the club - (Hint: that's why it goes so much further)

And finally...

Would be great to see this puppy down the target line.
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