So the pattern to hit a soft draw you are doing here involves a closed stance, and inside takeaway, and then a slight over the top move relative to your stance but still slightly inside relative to the target line.
Just like Bobby Jones, and Sam Snead.
Anyhoo, this pattern is NOT the "exact" SD1 pattern. But is is close enough.
That is interesting. The reverse of the figure 8 that Leadbetter would probably recommend.
Last December I attending the 3rd TGM Summit. Three days, about 28 hours talking golf swing
A month laster I attended the PGA Show. Four days, about 20 hours talking golf swing/teaching business.
A month later I presented at and attended the MIT Summit, two days about 18 hours talking /teaching business.
A month after that I spoke at the very top-shelf Tri-State PGA Summit, one day, about 10 hours talking golf swing/teaching business.
Not one time—not a single solitary time—in those 10 days and over 76 hours of listen to and talking with some of golf's best and brightest, did the TERM or NAME Leadbetter get mentioned.
Think about
I've been preaching from the mountain top for years, but now, I look pretty smart, huh?