Brian Manzella YouTube Show - Episode 4

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Superb video. The explanation about the right shoulder, " back to wall then back to the ball," or "put it in the right pocket," appear to be swing thoughts that would help me. I tend to move toward or over the ball,hitting many shots off the heel side= push or push/slices with some. People say, "I come out of the shot." Ive never got good instruction of ways to stop that from happening, other than address ball of toe of club or move further away from the ball. Which by the way don't work for any extended period of time. Excellent stuff. I'm new here and am looking to improve. Thanks.
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brian i have a problem slapping at the ball at impact, any helpfull ideas.


I am not br Brian but think about moving your hands past the ball when coming into impact and not hitting at it. Check you have a bent back right wrist/flat left wrist past impact. If you do those things you should get rid of your slap. practice slowly building up as described in Brian's video.
I am not br Brian but think about moving your hands past the ball when coming into impact and not hitting at it. Check you have a bent back right wrist/flat left wrist past impact. If you do those things you should get rid of your slap. practice slowly building up as described in Brian's video.


Hi Brian,

I found your site browsing for cures for a cupped left wrist. Your videos make perfect sense, and tomorrow I shall see if I can put them into practice. I've just gone up to a 14.6 handicap, having developed a bad pull which turns into a slice sometimes. Anyway, I think you maybe have the answer, and I hope it can translate into a lower handicap quickly. I've only had time to watch episodes 1-4 before being summoned back to reality, so will watch the remainder tomorrow after my 27 holes, if things go as I hope...

Thanks for your help. If things work out I shall invest more time and some hard earned in your advice. I'm sure you've been told countless times, that you have a very good style, that's informative and easy to understand. I should know, I've read and bought just about everything out there....:)


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