Brian - Success Criteria and Prognosis

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Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Ben teaches chip, pitch, punch ,swing do you know the difference?
Chip- shoulder thrust acc #4
Pitch- left wrist cock, right elbow folds acc # 1,2
Punch- add a 2rd swivel and acc#3
Swing- all 4 barrels
what more to it is there than that, they flip because they dont understand the illusion of impact and quit.
Originally posted by vjcapron

quote:Originally posted by Loubert
* I secretly wonder if Ben chose those videos to put out there to disuade hackers from coming to see him. Even though I live in Ben's area, I would never consider a lesson with him after seeing those tapes.

Those videos were hard to watch. The one thing I couldn't understand is why Ben didn't have him cock the club up on his backswing. My perception of Doyle as a teacher / communicator plummeted after watching those videos.

He was trying to get the guy to hit down on little chips and pitches with some lag, but he had zero lag to "store" and no "up" in his clubhed to hit "down" with. The student's wrists were totally wooden. Awful stuff.
quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN

Ben teaches chip, pitch, punch ,swing do you know the difference?
Chip- shoulder thrust acc #4
Pitch- left wrist cock, right elbow folds acc # 1,2
Punch- add a 2rd swivel and acc#3
Swing- all 4 barrels
what more to it is there than that, they flip because they dont understand the illusion of impact and quit.
Originally posted by vjcapron

quote:Originally posted by Loubert
* I secretly wonder if Ben chose those videos to put out there to disuade hackers from coming to see him. Even though I live in Ben's area, I would never consider a lesson with him after seeing those tapes.

Those videos were hard to watch. The one thing I couldn't understand is why Ben didn't have him cock the club up on his backswing. My perception of Doyle as a teacher / communicator plummeted after watching those videos.

He was trying to get the guy to hit down on little chips and pitches with some lag, but he had zero lag to "store" and no "up" in his clubhed to hit "down" with. The student's wrists were totally wooden. Awful stuff.

How Ben defines chip, pitch, punch, swing...that's all trivia. But you cannot deny the fact that he was attempting to get this guy to store lag that he never loaded and to hit down without realizing that the clubhead never got "up".

Also, Ben has a little roll of the left arm and also a little cock of the left wrist in his "chip". He does. Look closely. That's why he can effectively dump his energy downward into the ground. He may feel that it is all driven by the pivot, but his hands are already supremely educated. The chopper in the video had no chance unless he got the clubhead into the upward dimension during the backswing. Instead of positioning that crate of balls at the impact position to teach the vertical shaft at impact, he should've put that crate of balls about 2 or 3 feet behind the ball to teach the chopper to get the clubhead into the upward dimension. Then he would at least have some potential energy loaded into the clubhead that could've been released downward into the ball / ground. Basic stuff.
Yep, Ben's students often have no idea what they are doing or why they are doing it. Ben gives the medicine which eventually works but it can be be a painfully slow process. How long did 'Four Barrels' spend in the sand pit, maybe he didn't get it for a while either?!
quote:Originally posted by brianman

I sure didn't want this to be a "How Ben Teaches" thread.

He taught me.

I got.

Now I am teaching all of you.

Got it?

Sorry to threadjack, but do you have an e-mail address Brian? I'd like to come up to Louisville for few lessons in the next few weeks. Thanks.
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