Camera angle

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Just wondering where people prefer to set up their cameras on the down the line view and why? Brian I spoke briefly with you about this one. Just wanted to here everyones prefrences.
Camera Angle

I know nothing about this but Tom's idea sounds reasonable- essentially saying that you want the lens "on-plane". So precisely speaking- if the hands were two feet to the left of the ball at address- then with the camera lens at the same height and looking directly down target you'd what the hands to block the vision of something that was two feet left of the target down range. Although two feet for a 150 yard shot is not much so the "target" probably is within acceptable margins.

However, I'm sure there might be alot more to this story - I'm like you Bob- love to hear more- two diminensions versus three- etc. Either way, you've got a lot of factors of interpretation from the video(what's happening) to the procedural (what are you trying to do) to the sensory (what are you feeling)- it's an area of movement instruction that's very interesting and an area that will really grow over the next 50 years- realizing when each one is different than the other and why.
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