Can focusing on my left knee make me better?

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My questions and posts on here generally refer to not being able to shift to my left during transition. Typically most replies tell me that I need some hip bump. Unfortunately, I am unable to create any sort of bump from the backswing position that I put myself in.

While looking at a Sergio Garcia Swing Sequence (Swing sequence: Sergio Garcia: Golf Digest Magazine)

I noticed that he gets his left knee moving in during his backswing to the point where at the top, if you drew a line straight down from his left hip, his left knee would be inside that line. I hope that made sense :-/

Looking at my most recent swing from a few months ago, does anybody think that this could help me? Looking at my swing I have almost no left knee movement.

I really couldn't see your lower body because the video was too dark. But it looks to me that you are tiliting your axis towards the target on the downswing. Keep your head behind the ball throughout the entire swing.
I think the amount of hip turn you incorporate into your swing will dictate how much that left knee moves. You have very little hip turn, and your left knee doesn't do much.

So, yeah, I think you could definitely benefit from some more lower body movement. Disable your audio and check out this video of Bubba Watson mashing one. Holy Schnikes!

I'm not saying you should swing like Bubba, but I am saying that you could probably stand to use your legs a little more. In your current swing, you almost seem to be ignoring the ground. Use your legs to push against the ground. This will also help you add axis tilt, as Mr. Putterman has advised.
I agree with GPM. Your back swing looks familiar to what I was doing on the backswing when I had a lesson with Brian. You seem to be locking your right hip and restricting your turn.

On your back swing make sure you set up with your hips square to your target line, then just allow your pelvis to turn to the right and allow your right knee to straighten some. It will feel like your right but cheek is turning to face the target.

Then on your down swing fire your hips and try to get your right shoulder closer to your right back pocket and then "throw the drunk off your back".

Anyway that's what I've been working on.
I recommend purchasing Brian's Soft Draw pattern video and watch him executing the continuous back and forth motion swings he makes at the very beginning.(when the piano is still playing) Notice how his arms follow his body. Step right then arms, step left then arms. This action may give you the scissory knees you mention. Also, in another video I saw Brian discuss filling the gap during your transition. Learn to fill your gap with your left hip. The gap is an imagionary verticle line up from your forward foot. In the swing you posted, you never fill your gap. This motion, as long as you don't overdose on it, could really help you hit the ball better and give you the more "golf like" look you seem to be looking for. Good luck.
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