Can you have not enough spin with the driver?

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I trialled a driver at a demo day today...flightscope figures from RPM had me going in at 1850-1950 rpm...felt great...ball went a mile. Previous trackman sessions had me at 2500-2600 with other drivers. For the sake of the argument, lets assume that the numbers are valid across both measurement devices.

Is 1850-1950 rpm about as good as it gets? Can the rpms be too low? If so, what are the implications?
Sure, you can have too little spin. Whether or not those numbers are too little for you depends on some other variables.

Here's a useful little trajectory optimizer model that you can plug in different numbers to see what it optimal based on the core numbers you generate.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
If you don't have enough ball speed to keep a "knuckleball" in the air, that would be a scenario where you could have too little spin. Or if you simply can't launch it high enough.
This is very interesting... I have a swing speed around 90. ( age, bad back & shoulder - you get the point! ) I had been hitting a TM SuperTri driver pretty well, which I was told was notoriuos for creating more spin. Always heard spin was bad. Well, my son accidently broke it, and I tried 3 other drivers since, and I just don't get the distance with them. I then demoed a Titleist 910D2, which I'm told is another driver that typically creates a bit more spin, and that is the closest club in distance & feel to my Supertri. It seems to confirm what I thought - I need a bit more spin at that speed. I want to say my spin rate with the SuperTri was in the upper 2,000's, maybe even close to 3,000?

Does this make sense?
If trying 3 different drivers and demoing a 910 did not include a fitting with either a launch monitor, or Trackman, Flightscope, where different shafts, head models, and lofts were tested and compared, then it's really an opportunity lost. I have vowed to never buy clubs without going through a fitting that includes actual outdoor testing on the range.

My latest Driver, broke my Ping G15, is a 910 D3 8.5, playing it at 10, with a spin reducing RIP 60 stiff shaft. After playing it for a few months, I went to a Titleist Demo day to try and cure my 3 wood. Stiffer heavier shaft is working nicely. The Titleist rep suggested shortening the Driver to 44.5. He told me what port weight to order. I cut it, put the grip back on and installed the heavier weight. Swingweight is roughly the same as before and control is better.

I've been fittedt three times now in recent years. On Trackman it becomes very clear that each combination produces different results. My Seniors league contains a bunch of 90 mph or less swing speeds, yet there they are with a Driver they can't hit. They hit their 3 wood or 5 wood much better, but the ego gets in their way.
Agree. I hate hitting balls on a monitor indoors. I KNOW my swing is different out on a range where I can see the ball flight. My ego isn't the problem. I know I probably need something in a 12 degree, but with a stiffer shaft or tip, as I have a very short swing with a quick transition. I wish I had the time, or more honestly, the physical ability to put the time in to change my swing more, but my back can only handle so much. The other problem is, right now in Maryland, most of the grass ranges, and outside club fitters, are closing down for the winter. I'm hoping to get down to Lake Prez to see Damon soon.
I did like the feel of the Titleist drivers!
Agree Mgranato! I don't care if I have a flaming pink shaft with a 13 degree head if I hit it well... ( well, maybe not FLAMING pink! )
Sure, you can have too little spin. Whether or not those numbers are too little for you depends on some other variables.

Here's a useful little trajectory optimizer model that you can plug in different numbers to see what it optimal based on the core numbers you generate.

Optimal for carry only! Be aware that optimal for carry might not be the same as optimal for total. Spin and landing angle are important to maximize roll.
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