I do tend to play the ball forward.
I have not heard of using a clubs bounce to establish shaft lean and ball position. Does this mean using the clubs design, i.e. sole flat with no bounce showing ?
Yep, using the clubs design/bounce to determine shaft lean.
Assuming neutral body/arm position; each golf club is different in length and loft, and when the bounce is soled squarely on the ground (use a hard surface initially) will have a unique amount of shaft lean.
You'll often see pros step into a shot by soling the bounce with the club in their left hand, setting their stance, and then placing their right hand on the club.
Using this technique was massively helpful for me - especially with wedges.
While trying to form a reply for you, I googled the subject, and found out that Harvey Penick called ball position the second most important fundamental. It's not too hard to imagine why he might say that.
I first heard about using the clubs bounce for ball position from Chuck Evans btw - hopefully I didn't butcher the explanation too badly. lol