Be nice to hear what those are
Just off the top of my head....
1. EVERY BASEBALL PLAYER lifts the left leg, everything we have learned from the scientists would support the golfer taking weight oFF of the left leg on the backswing at some point.
2. Linear speed can add to rotational speed.
3. Baseball players do not slide their hips like, for example, the S&Ters. Ben Doyle was adamant about NOT sliding the hips. Bubba doesn't much either.
4. Pull like crazy early, and have negative alpha (in-plane) torque late.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's all just marketing. Just don't stall them there hips and you'll be knocking it out there with Bubba.
Bubba's speed comes from a really good pivot, high arms at the top, and more HANDLE ROTATION than anyone on Tour.
My success in this business so far is about 10% marketing, 20% delivery, 30% knowledge, 40% teaching skill.