Chamblee on McIlroy's perfect "fundamentals"

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I like Brandel

He is the second best analyst in the industry next to Johnny Miller. You may just learn something from a PGA Tour winner if you listen closely. Every great player has nuggets of wisdom that may help your game or understanding of the swing.
He is the second best analyst in the industry next to Johnny Miller. You may just learn something from a PGA Tour winner if you listen closely. Every great player has nuggets of wisdom that may help your game or understanding of the swing.

Or nuggets of crap that are fundamentally wrong and could ruin your swing... I actually like Brandel more then Johnny, but you give any former tour player enough air time, eventually they are going to say something that could be helpful to someone.

My favorite is how both them would go on about how Tiger needed to quit dipping his head, and it how it was such a bad fault, when both of them did the same thing in their own swings.


One of my favorite things about finding this place is now I watch those "swing analysis" things with a more discerning eye. I no longer just simply watch and listen.
He is the second best analyst in the industry next to Johnny Miller. You may just learn something from a PGA Tour winner if you listen closely. Every great player has nuggets of wisdom that may help your game or understanding of the swing.

Please tell....what are they? And give us some reasoning and perhaps some facts as to *why* those things that they teacher a helpful.

That's all I've asked for.

Many times great players and teachers think they can just say anything and it's valid because they played on tour. Johnny Miller really put out a well done video 15 years ago that has very good info in it. You could not go wrong with it. Brandel has done.... Sheeeet. Kostis, with his swingvision breakdowns, has done more damage to golf teaching progress than anyone in history. His one book, I believe titled "the inside path to better golf" was close to legit, but was still only part of the story.

Bottom line is, if you don't keep learning then your doing a great disservice by opening your mouth, especially if you have a vehicle like television. I would be willing to bet these guys including Miller think they know it all. I thought I did about 6 years ago, but thankfully I have opportunities to use Trackman and I still guinea pig in front of my camera every chance I get. God bless the teachers who are still searching for answers and not relying on a method or info that worked for 20% of there students 10 years ago.

Sorry, had to vent.
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