Charl Schwartzel Swing Analysis by Brian Manzella

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Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Whats up with that right foot lift up on the downswing, almost looks rehearsed rather then a product of the downswing.

Greg, that is a very common thing among strong, thinly built guys (like a young Tiger) who have tons of #4 accumulator. Takes some doing to "un-junior" a swing.
Sweet swing. Reminds me a little of Kaymer. Interesting to note that his clubface is "open" at the top, meaning open more than 90* to the clubhead arc, past parallel to the plane. Very unusual among great ball-strikers.
Heck no. Look how open his hips are at impact.

I didn't say anything about their alignment, I only mentioned the fact that although they are open, they do stall after impact. Either that or my computer freezes at that time during his swing. I could be wrong.....been so before and will be again.
By being that open at impact the energy, speed, whatever you want to call it, is already transfered up the body and into the club head. The hips have nothing left to do but decel after impact.
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