Collateral damage

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Brian Manzella

Just read all the posts on the "Just for Fun" thread.

That says it all.

And, really folks, should close the book on all of this.

Have read them, and agree playa-brian/carolwhatsherface and others way out of line.

BTW didn't know you could change someone else's avatar (e.g. holenone)
Me think someone is having a good laugh on you and Lynn...

Agree on the carrolgalley and playa_brian BUT I think you may have missed on the last one.

Writing style which in one cases goes back a way long time doesn't match.

Seen this on several other forums, including one person who was able to change his IP addresses which made it about impossible to track down. Actually it did until his style came out.

I had actually had thought the battles would have ended and but then again I am always amazed at what new pops up about you guys. I have choosen to ignore unless I see it first hand cause too many seem to have drawn the line.

Hopefully the good info will continue to flow and the other stuff will just disappear.

wake up.....someone is having a good laugh, you say......that someone is someone we all know......and you apologize for....constantly...
tongzilla said:
tongzilla says no comment


I didn't say it was a bad thing Leo don't worry....makes it interesting.

That Pivot Centre Vote was a good one......:)

And you bust Brian's balls sometimes (no?)......but w/e I can respect that. You ain't a yes man.
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Michael Finney said:
wake up.....someone is having a good laugh, you say......that someone is someone we all know......and you apologize for....constantly...

I didn't apologize for anyone. After reading the links Brian pointed at it appears to me that not all are the same but I could be wrong. I just know on two other forums I saw something similar happen. Some people have too much time on their hands.

I am all for stopping the posters who come in to be disruptive. I find it hard to follow some of the threads when posters take them sideways or revert to bashing the posters. It always seems this happens when there are some really interesting topics. I am here to learn, probably a reason I don't post much, other posters seem to have a more interesting perspective than I do.


Michael Finney said:
wake up.....someone is having a good laugh, you say......that someone is someone we all know......and you apologize for....constantly...
That IS out of order Mike.

You have a lovely swing but an unfortunate way of expressing yourself.

That apart, and not taking anyones side, MARTEE IS NO ONES APOLOGIST as anyone who cares to read his posts can readily see for themselves.

Lets ALL stay civil to one another, enjoy, and remain thankful for, ALL the forums and the advice that you guys ALL make freely available to us.
A helping hand

Yoda is convinced TGM to be a scientific masterpiece. I am not allowed to post on his forum but like to help him keeping things pure by pointing out that not only ThinkingPlus, the resident physic’s expert, but also golf2much is not quite up to par, in the thread on ‘Conservation of Angular Momentum’.

Below we look at some ideas posted by golf2much, post #20.

[size=-2]Conservation of Energy is what happens at the ball.
Part1. Angular momentum is about what happens on the way to the ball.

Very peculiar statements. The simple scientific truth is that effort expended by the golfer from the top creates motion and associated with it there is generated simultaneously kinetic energy and angular momentum. The angular velocities increase as the downswing proceeds and with it also the kinetic energy and the angular momentum.

[size=-2]The longer you sustain the lag, the smaller the wheel, and like the ice skater pulling in her arms, the faster the clubhead mass must travel to conserve angular momentum.[/size]

Angular momentum is not conserved in a golfer’s downswing since there is not any to be conserved to start with. It is being generated throughout the downswing by the effort expended by the golfer. Whilst being continuously generated it is redistributed due to unfolding of the club.

In Part2 impact interval is discussed and golf2much states that much of the kinetic energy of the clubhead is transferred to the ball and formulates this as:

[size=-2](½ m1*v1^2 - losses) (clubhead) = ½ m2*v2^2 (ball)[/size]

where the losses are referring to the small losses due to deformation of the ball and the clubface during impact. This formulation is erroneous. The clubhead still has an appreciable velocity after impact and the formulation should have been:

[size=-2]½ m1*v1^2 (clubhead) = ½ m1*u1^2 (clubhead) + ½ m2*u2^2 (ball) + losses [/size]
Burner said:
That IS out of order Mike.

You have a lovely swing but an unfortunate way of expressing yourself.

That apart, and not taking anyones side, MARTEE IS NO ONES APOLOGIST as anyone who cares to read his posts can readily see for themselves.

Lets ALL stay civil to one another, enjoy, and remain thankful for, ALL the forums and the advice that you guys ALL make freely available to us.

no, burner, i'm not out of order.....lynn blake's out of order....

and if you don't think that martee is a lynn blake apologist then you haven't been paying attention....

is all of this stuff bs....yes, of course it is...but when the high and mighty moral giant goes to the lengths he went to - to disparage brian and his wife...i call that BS......and for martee to suggest that someone is out for laughs is an insult to my intelligence.....

i don't stand idly by while my friend gets f'd with.....
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Originally Posted by birdie_man
First of all....I'd like to hear Brian's response.



What I percieve (personally):

run - seems like a good dude....pretty damn funny (his mind works differently than most it seems lol) his posts in general....posts more at Lynn's prolly....has his own section there too....seems to have done most of his learning on Lynn's site....seems to be in his element there a little more and "in with those guys" a little more (was trying to think of the best way to put that....not sure if it came out right)....biased?....maybe a little bit? (trying to be honest here...not sarcastic)

EdZ - smart....lots of good posts.....seems to mostly think for himself.....doesn't get along with Brian or see eye to eye a lot....not sure if there's anything more behind that than that itself.


Tong - sometimes is a bit of a $hit disturber wherever he me laugh. (no?)


Just my thoughts....not neccessarily 100% right or complete....just saying what I think.

rundmc said:
Mike O and I will be knocking on your door soon Canada Girl . . . when you least expect it . . .


Hey Mikey . . . Which way is Canada . . .That's south of the Mississississippi ain't it? You got that new carborator on the Vega yet? I got some lawn mower gas I can steal from my grandmaw's house . . . she get's drunk around 7 watching re-runs of Rat Patrole . . . pick me up around 8 . . . don't forget the ski mask . . . and NOT THE ORANGE ONE! And take a freakin' bath first!

I'm not traveling with you! You're an idiot! But I am headed to Canada to take out Birdie Man by myself- he thinks your cool and funny- that's a good enough reason for me to take him out!

Oh Ya! Rat Patrol- was that a killer show or what? Of course we're dating ourselves. No I did't mean it that way!- I'm married- back off Bucket head!

Now back to Mandrin's well pointed out clarifications.

Brian Manzella

Just read 'em.

The posts of "carolgalleyz" and "playa_brian" speak for themselves.

Anyone with a few minutes reading them will KICK themselves for not figuring it out MONTHS ago.

All you have to do to figure out why ANYONE takes up for ANYONE is to ask yourself WHY WOULD THEY?

The difference—and I think it is very significant—is that Mike FInney and Tom Bartlett would BUST me quicker than Tongzilla if they thought I was in the wrong.

Funny thing about all of this PLANNED ATTACK, is that is almost EXACTLY like the one that was executed in the New Orleans area by the then-head of the Golf Mafia.


I do know this, the poor guy got an incorrect scouting report on me.

It might be all unproveable, but it sure is obvious.

Just like the Canton Video. Why was it BURIED?

Becuase it DIDN'T show what the other team wanted it to.

It might be all unproveable, but it sure is obvious.


Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Sheep follow their leader

Brian is right on!

You must have to have a deep insecurity and personallity disorder to make up all those names and post.

A real chapter 14 shrink is needed to help people like that. As for all the little pupets backing him up, lol! Think for yourselves you sheep.BAAAHH BAAAAH.:p
mandrin said:
The same with matter. It wants to be left alone, its basic nature is to be inert. If you are trying to move it around it is going to resist, more you try more it is going to resist. Matter is really very lazy.

Why matter behaves this way nobody really knows, just another of the mysteries of nature. Science is not really all that smart. It can very readily catalog things but not really explain too many things.

If you pull on a cord attached to some weight it will resist being disturbed, its basic nature being to be inert, lazy and it wants to be left alone. It is really dragging on its end of the cord and lagging behind.

Isn't the fact that the matter is resistant simply because of gravity. If you put a rope around a rock tightly and then pull on it (rope parallel to the ground) then the rock will resist action because it's force is being pushed downward (gravity). However, if the rock were on the edge of a ledge and you pulled it off that ledge that rock would not be resisting for long, it would be freefalling in short order. So this perceived laziness of matter is simply a matter of conditions. No?

Brian Manzella said:
The posts of "carolgalleyz" and "playa_brian" speak for themselves.

Anyone with a few minutes reading them will KICK themselves for not figuring it out MONTHS ago.

All you have to do to figure out why ANYONE takes up for ANYONE is to ask yourself WHY WOULD THEY?

The difference—and I think it is very significant—is that Mike FInney and Tom Bartlett would BUST me quicker than Tongzilla if they thought I was in the wrong.

Funny thing about all of this PLANNED ATTACK, is that is almost EXACTLY like the one that was executed in the New Orleans area by the then-head of the Golf Mafia.


I do know this, the poor guy got an incorrect scouting report on me.

It might be all unproveable, but it sure is obvious.

Just like the Canton Video. Why was it BURIED?

Becuase it DIDN'T show what the other team wanted it to.

It might be all unproveable, but it sure is obvious.


The Golf Mafia....

Tried to whack you??
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