Looks to become a great discussion!
quote:Mathew: Just wondering if you still tell people to have a bent plane line with the idea that the clubshaft always remains parallel to the original plane angle as a cornerstone of your theory?
These are two different questions:
1. Should the shaft be always parallel to the original plane angle?
2. How should the shaft lift above the original plane line, i.e. in a linear fashion or in a bent fashion?
1. 10 years ago I produced a computer animation to show why a parallel shaft is a simple way to swing a golf club. I have two different formats:
But surely it is not the only way. A new video of Faldo that I recorded a few month ago shows that you can steepen and flatten the shaft like Leadbetter likes it.
And you could also imagine someone having his shaft pointing at the target line all the time like Kelley described it. The difference between a parallel shaft and one that is pointing towards the target line is very small. I think it is not worth starting a big fight. What is much more important is being able to analyze a real golf swing. In a real golf swing you have to pay much more attention to the process a shaft is in: Is it flattening or is it steepening? A shaft that points at a correct point according to a certain theory doesn’t mean that everything is fine. If it is in a flattening process for example it is going to look wrong a few pictures later.
2. The second question is more important. I am not quite sure how the Golfing Machine would answer that question. But if the answer would be that the lifting has to take place in a linear fashion I am sure that this is wrong. I spent quite some time with 3D-Character animation, since I want to create my own model like Ralph Mann’s model golfer.
See my first try here:
When animating humans you learn pretty quickly that there are no straight lines in human movements. Linear movement looks very robot like. Watch this video to see how a hand of a boxer moves
If you want to learn more about that, look at the DVDs of Jeff Lew:
Movement takes place in spline curves I made this graphic to illustrate the point:
The middle graph shows the Haney theory: Keep the club on plane till it has swung back 90 degrees and then lift in a Bezier fashion (i.e. no jerk, no jolt: speed and acceleration changes have no jumps); lower it from the top of the backswing in a Bezier fashion until the club is 90 degrees before impact; then stay on the plane again till 90 degrees after impact etc.
That not only looks wrong in the graph it also feels wrong (i.e. jerky) when you program it in the robot.
My new theory (upper graph) says the lift has to start immediately in the takeaway. At 90 degrees you are already 2 inches above the original shaft plane.
Now I would like to know from you guys what the Golfing Machine would say. Would the graph have to look like the lower one in my illustration?
Were you referring to this picture, Mathew?
quote:Brian: What SEPARATES ME from all the rest is my LIVE TEACHING ability. ANY level, any age, any PATTERN...the best of them all.
What separates many Americans from many Europeans is the way they look at themselves. I get the impression that we are far more self critical. But this is not the point here. If you have the better argumentation that is fine with me. It is not my biggest concern to be right. I just want to become better. Have you read Popper? He is the Tiger Woods of the philosophy of science.
enny: How did Haney come up with that idea that the shaft always stays parallel to address angle?
I have no idea. Sorry. Maybe I can get him to read and maybe even write in this thread. I’ll send him an e-mail.
quote:Brian: Looking a "parallax-ed" pictures.
He indeed had his cameras very close to the golfer. That leads to big distortions especially at the top of the swing. But he bought my video system a few years ago and this reduces the problem by using a third camera which is directly behind and on height of the club at the top of the swing. This showed Tiger for the first time how much across the line he really was.
To illustrate that I put a club on a tripod in my teaching hut.
This picture shows a club that is perfectly parallel and parallel at the top:
It looks layed off from a normal camera view.
Now if you don’t know that. You might get your pupils in a parallel looking position at the top. But actually it is way across the line as this picture shows.
The little pictures shows what my third camera sees.
quote:Australian: but the US summit students were definately set up,and I am sure Brian would agree with this.
At the superdome when Leadbetter turned the fading girl into a big slicer the stundents weren’t set up. And if they were they would have been set up badly
Best wishes