Could some one answer this?

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Is there anything wrong with starting the swing with the right shoulder takeaway? If so could you give me the pro and cons of this,,, thanks ....joe
Brian, were can I find this also I still cant get to see my over and out video yet.Please need an answer...joe
joeparr said:
Is there anything wrong with starting the swing with the right shoulder takeaway? If so could you give me the pro and cons of this,,, thanks ....joe

Joe, it's alright.

BUT, make sure you don't take the club too far INside. So keep tracing that straight plane line.

This is what I want to know ,what happens if I take it inside and what starts the down swing .hipslide ,rhip,Lhip or rshoulder/ I have a bad hipslide it gets to far in front of my swing..thanks..joe
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